I will be away from my blog for the next week or so and won’t be able to read posts and comment. I dread the thought of opening my email when I return!

However, I think I’ve found a guest blogger who will entertain you. Let me know how that works out.
Have a good trip 🙂
Thanks, Sue, Wish it were England!
So do I 🙂
You take care
Thanks, John. I’m off….
I wish you a safe trip! Take care and will catch up with you soon.
I should be back on line after Easter. Will look for your posts in my million emails!
If it helps I can send you all the links upon your return to save you searching. All at Old College look forward to your return!
I don’t recall signing your leave of absence pass. But I suppose, as it’s you, I’ll overlook it – just this once!!
Good luck with your email when you get back (mwah-hah-ha-ha)
Just checking in one last time, and yes, I hate to think what will await me when I return. The delete button will get warm.! Thanks for the LOA!
Enjoy your time away, Noelle! xo