How I Created One of My Book Covers

My daughter is the featured person or body part on each of my book covers, and we had so much fun doing them that I thought I’d share some of those photoshoots with you.

For the cover for the second book, Death in a Dacron Sail, I needed a background that could be the coast of Maine. Hubs – my photographer, my daughter and drove south to Jordan Lake and I looked for a good setting. I also took the jib sail from my sailboat.

Related image

Image result for Pictures of Jordan Lake, NCWe found the right spot almost immediately, but my daughter who had been exposed to freezing December temperatures for the photography of Death in a Red Canvas Chair, was complaining before we were out of the car. Again, it was December and the air was cold.

Knowing she would be unhappy, I’d brought along a warm blanket which I dragged down to the shoreline along with the sail, wrapping her up in it before having her get into the sail. Then the only thing left to do was remove the sock and shoe on one foot.



This time she was warm and happy in her sail and blanket cocoon!


Hubs took pictures from all different angles, and one of them became the cover.


When I can find the photos we took for the other two covers – one done on a soccer field at the university and the other in a metal scrap yard in Raleigh, I’ll post them. They are hidden in the depths of one of my husband’s computers.



25 thoughts on “How I Created One of My Book Covers”

  1. Far too pretty to be a corpse! Thank you for sharing this, it’s always interesting to see how an image comes about. I’m looking forward to seeing how you did the pumpkin cover!

    1. Thanks, Bette. They were all fun to create. My next one will be without my daughter – she drew the line at what I needed her to do! But we’ll be do the photography in Maine this fall.

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