Christmas is Coming, the Goose is Getting Fat

I’ve always loved this carol. It was one of the few my Dad could sing on key!

Before we left for a three day trip to the mountains, we went to see Hamilton. I can’t say enough how I enjoyed it. My daughter and her husband bought us tickets in the orchestra, about eight rows from the front, so we were really in the musical. The voices were wonderful, the story great, with lots of humor and also some pathos. The fellow playing King George had us rocking with laughter. I had listened to a CD of part of the production, following along with the libretto, and had no trouble understanding the rap. If you get a chance to see Hamilton, do it. The ticket cost is worth it, and you will learn a lot about our early history from the all minority cast!

So we spent this past weekend up in the foothills of the North Carolina mountains, near the Pisgah National Forest. Our friends built a house on a low mountainside with spectacular views of Grandfather and Tabletop mountains. It was just what we needed after the energy we expended over Thanksgiving!





We visited a small arts and crafts store where I bought my first decoration of the season. Yes, that’s Garfield in the background – he liked the poinsettia, which it turns out are NOT poisonous to cats but can give them a tummy upset if they decide to chew some leaves. He was alone while we were gone and has been purring and sitting all over me since we got back. I’m sure he’ll have something to tell you soon. He’s been talking to me non-stop!


We returned home to find our Japanese maple in its full fall glory.










Take a deep breath, make your holiday list, and enjoy the season.




22 thoughts on “Christmas is Coming, the Goose is Getting Fat”

  1. What a fun post! I would so love to see Hamilton. I’m sure it’s spectacular and it sooo appeals to me!
    The photos you shared are great. I also loved hearing about Garfield purring up a storm. I love how our felines get extra clingy when we return from a trip 🙂

    1. I’ll take more pictures for you the next time we visit. We had lunch in a tiny town – Morgan’s something – where I had a super duper salmon BLT. The blue cheese burger looked great, too!

  2. I hope you enjoy Hamilton! I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Someday I’d like to see it, too.

  3. I still haven’t seen Hamilton – I only hear great things about it. So glad you enjoyed it! As for poinsettias, I always thought they were poisonous to cats (little children) so, even though I really love them, I haven’t bought a plant in a long time. Good to know we’re safe – our kids are old enough now anyway 🙂 !

    1. I was a little reluctant to see Hamilton because the hype has been so great. I figured I’d be disappointed – what a surprise to discover it was as good as promised!

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