Our much-loved Sally Cronin has posted a wonderful review of my latest book, The Last Pilgrim, on her web site:
Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Historical – The Last Pilgrim by Noelle Granger.
I am so honored that she liked it! That book was a labor of love.
If you plan to read, are reading, are or have read my book, I’d be so grateful if you’d post a review on Amazon and Goodreads!
My pleasure Noelle and I am sure much enjoyed by others with more reviews arriving soon.. ♥
Congratulations on the great review, Noelle! I just left a comment on Sally’s blog 🙂
How marvelous! Congratulations, Noelle. Sally is a treasure. Hugs to you both.
I saw this over at Sally’s. It’s such an honor to be reviewed by her. Congrats, Noelle. I really can’t wait to read this. 🙂
Thanks, Diana, we can trade reviews! Good things out there about your new book!
Certainly. I’m planning a reading marathon beginning in October. The goal is a book a day until I empty my kindle. Lol. It’s going to be great!
Congrats, Noelle!
I just popped over to read Sally’s fabulous review of the Last Pilgrim. It’s still on my kindle, waiting to be read. I’ll get there asap!
Thanks, Luccia.
I just had to tell you, Noelle, that yesterday I got to the small part about Arthur Peach. I saw it coming because… he’s my most notorious ancestor. Honest! My grandfather was also an Arthur Peach. Why my family would reuse that name is beyond me. I got such a kick out of reading the account of his infamy in your book. A great read that I should finish in a few days. And, obviously, your research is amazing. 🙂
Thank you so much, Diana. That book was a labor of love.
I can tell. I can’t seem to stop reading. Well done.
Thank you for this book!! Mary Allerton Cushman is my 9 th Great Grandmother❤️🌺~Kathleen S.
Lovely! If you like it, please write me a review on Amazon and Good reads???
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Congratulations, Noelle.
Thank you. I need all the reviews I can get because marketing in a pandemic is nigh impossible!