I’ve not read anything by George Eliot. Strange, since we had plenty of Brontes and Austen presented to us at school, along with Hardy and Dickens (and a Shaespeare play every year). I wonder why Eliot didnt get on the syllabus?
She was such a fascinating person, woman, and writer. I’ve read about her elsewhere, particularly about her affair and disregard for the norms of the time. The book sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing the review, Noelle.
Thanks for sharing, Noelle.
One of my all-time favorite writers.
I’d really like to read this book. It’s pricey – I’m going to try and get it from my library.
I’ve not read anything by George Eliot. Strange, since we had plenty of Brontes and Austen presented to us at school, along with Hardy and Dickens (and a Shaespeare play every year). I wonder why Eliot didnt get on the syllabus?
Thanks for the link Noelle.
She was such a fascinating person, woman, and writer. I’ve read about her elsewhere, particularly about her affair and disregard for the norms of the time. The book sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing the review, Noelle.
Thanks, Diana!