Another Edition of the Garfield Chronicles

It’s been a good while since I posted anything, but the Missus has been pretty busy writing. I should know, since my cat tree is in her office.

As you can see, I am a large and very fluffy cat, needing daily brushing and mat removal.

The most traumatic recent event, at least to my feline mind, is that Missus brought home another cat. She said it was because she thought I might be lonely, me being the sole king of the house. I think she did it to annoy me.

Samantha is a pain in the neck. She is a three-year-old tabby Manx. In case you don’t know, that means she had oval eyes and a very stubby tail. She is also very small and feisty.

It was marginally okay when she lived in the guest room, but Missus finally put our food bowls in the same room and our litter boxes side by side. That just encouraged Samantha to try to take over. She has her own cat tree in the office, which I like from time to time, even if I don’t quite fit.

What’s hers is mine, even if it’s too small.

Usually, she just sleeps on the end of the bed next to the office while I occupy my cat tree. At night and sometimes in the afternoon, she comes to sleep on the big bed. That bed is MINE, but we can share it if she stays at the other end.

She eats my food from time to time and I have to put Samantha in her place at least once a day. Mostly just growling and hissing and spitting. She irritates me. Occasionally I jump on her. Then I get yelled at a lot because I instigate it.

But she does mostly take her afternoon naps in the guest room, giving me some peace.

Missus says I am getting a lot more exercise now since we chase each other from one end of the house to the other several times during the day. I don’t know about that. I think I am as handsome as ever and quite fit.

Samantha told me she was a stray from somewhere, she didn’t know where, and she had a litter of kittens after she was picked up. It sounded like she had a tough time being a stray. Maybe that’s why she likes to drink water from the shower floor and gets into the bathroom sink to drink from the faucet. And she wants to be outside. She sits next to the front door when people are coming in and out, so she gets shushed away a lot.

One night both of us got outside. The inside door to the patio had been left open, and Samantha discovered a shoe blocked the screen door just enough so she could slip out. I followed her, of course, but the screen door made a noise when I tried to slip my svelte self through, since I outweigh Samantha by eight pounds. Missus heard it and Mister discovered us sitting on the patio when he turned on the light.

Samantha was urging me to follow her and explore, but honestly, I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never been outside. I think she didn’t know quite where to go either, because it was very dark out there. Anyway, Mister came out on the patio and yelled at us, so we scrambled back inside. It hasn’t stopped Samantha from sitting by the door though.

In any event, my life has changed, although Missus still shares her side of the bed with me, and I get brushed and petted a lot and she cuts out all my mats. Missus has to cuddle Samantha every day because that cat is very needy. It’s okay with me as long as I get lots of attention too.

So that’s the news from Chez Garfield. Maybe Samantha and I will become friends, but I doubt it.



30 thoughts on “Another Edition of the Garfield Chronicles”

  1. Oh dear!! Lol. Having to share can be such a pain. But so handsome Garfield. And it does sound as if you are getting a little… just a little… fond of Samantha. x

  2. Great to see Garfield again. I hope he gets used to Samantha, as she seems to have had quite a rough time. I hope Garfield keeps us up to date with all the events.

    1. I’m sure he will, especially when they get into trouble. She did have a rough time, but she’s very sweet. Purrs all the time and loves cuddling.

    1. Or inflexible. There was a time when we had five cats. My mother’s (she had to give her up) lived in our bedroom and bath. Two lived outside and the other two had the rest of the house. They did not get along at all!

  3. Congrats on the new addition, Noelle. Samantha is a charmer. I think there’s a good chance that she will win Garfield over — eventually. I know you have your hands full. Adding a new cat is always a challenge. Big hugs.

  4. You are a kind and generous cat, Garfield. It sounds like you are adjusting pretty well to this new companion, and although she irritates you, you’ll start to miss her if she’s not around. And your Missus wuld never invite anyone in that didnt need her help.

    (Even though it looks like she’s got a bit of spam slipping through her comment checker)

  5. I am sure it might take a bit, but I am sure they will be sharing a lot more soon… lovely of you to take Samantha in and not sure how I would handle too cats.. this one who has taken up residence is demanding enough…♥

  6. Lol. Garfield, you may not be happy about Samantha’s arrival, but she does seem to be keeping you company – even if she can be annoying at times. I think you’ll become friends over time. Let us all know when that happens!

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