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Yep, I did it again. I am hosting one of the more than 200 different viruses that can cause a cold. Most of them are highly contagious. Rhinoviruses are the most common, but other viruses, such as...
At the feast of the Epiphany two Sundays ago, I started to give some serious thought to the ‘Three Kings’ while we were singing We Three Kings of Orient Are, one of my favorite Christmas carols. Who...
Calling all fans of fantasy and D. Wallace Peach: Diana has a new book just out! It’s entitled Tale of the Seasons’ Weaver, and it more than lives up to Diana’s high standard of compelling stories...
Judith Barrow is another in the group of amazing and talented Welsh authors (think Thorne Moore, Iris Gower) whose books I inhale. This one is a psychologically twisted tale of an evil stepmother and...
A few nights ago we got tickets to see the North Carolina Chinese Lantern Festival. It sleeted earlier in the day but by the time we left, the precipitation had nearly ended. However...
The book, Run: Ben Walsh, a Congressional staffer for a US congresswoman, gets a cryptic text from his wife: “I love you. I just need you to know that.”...