You can’t be a good Southerner without associating H with honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is a hardy climbing vine, common in North America, and there are 180 species worldwide. I discovered there is even a species in the foothills to the Himalayas. Did you know you can eat honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, of which we have many in the summer. But best of all is sitting out on a warm night, watching the stars, listening to the tree frogs, and enjoying the sweet odor of honeysuckle on the evening breeze.
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I remember picking it as a kid and eating it. What a great childhood memory.
Happy A through Z posting.
Not sure I knew that, so thanks for informing. I do remember the sweet scent — very pleasant.
Silvia @ Silvia Writes