Last night we had a party for the launch of my second book, Death in a Dacron Sail. It was huge fun – just socializing with friends and imbibing some good wine and beer. We held it at the Top of the Hill Restaurant, which brews its own beer. The party was in the Tank Room, two flights down from the roof- top restaurant (so sort of the Bottom of the Hill); this space contains the huge vats of the beer they brew, displayed behind glass windows. There was a full bar, and we chose a menu of beer and wine varieties for everyone. A few tables and a display of the books – the rest was schmoozing with good friends. No book transactions,
just fun.
Well, I did sign one – for a very special guest, Dr. Larry Gilbert, my research mentor and adviser, who at 86 is still my role model.
I counted three other published authors among the guests, along with all the members of my Early Birds critique group. Three of us have been together for four years, the rest for at least two.

I’ve never been to a launch party before, but I did hire a marketing group – Yardarm Media – to help me, and they suggested the launch party. With their help, I’ve had and will have several interviews and the readings are lining up. Since many publishers expect you to do your own marketing, self-publishing (via Create Space) plus having a marketing group seemed like a logical and less daunting (not to mention less frustrating) way to get my books out there.
Has anyone else hired a marketing firm? Had a launch party? What did you do for it? I’d love to know!
Congratulations, Noelle! Lovely to hear it went so well 🙂
Thanks, Sue! I wish I’d had more time to drink!
I have to wait another ten days before we get to celebrate …
Start chilling the champagne! No tea!
That sounds like great fun; well done Noelle. I’ve not done any of what you’ve managed but this is a great example of what I need to do with book two when it comes out later in the year.
Good luck and feel free to ask me anything you want!
Thanks Noelle that’s very kind
Noelle, I had so much fun at your book launch party and you will all be invited to mine whenever I finish my book about being a flight attendant. Congratulations on all the hard work.
Thanks, Elizabeth, and I can’t wait for yours!
That looks like fun and a great marketing event, Noelle. I’m impressed. I don’t have one scheduled, maybe for the next book. Congrats!
Thanks, Sylvia – I am deep into your book now!
Congratulations! Looks like a fun time!
Thank so much! You started me off!
Can I send you some interview questions in a couple days?
Fire away!
I’m so glad it went well. Wish I could have been there! Review coming soon! 💖🌹😍
Thanks, Luccia. It was a lot of fun – good thing I kept my drinking to one small glass of wine.
It was so much fun being at the launch party! I can’t wait to read your new book. I loved the last one. Best wishes.
Thanks so much! You’ll need a cup of coffee for this one and you’ll soon see why!
Oooh! How enigmatically intriguing…
A wonderful celebration of your new book. Was happy to surprise you by coming. Great people, a great author, a great series future, one book at a time. Congratulations!
Thank you, Stepheny! We’ve gotta have a party for your second book now.