Death in a Dacron Sail has been released. Now what?

frontcoverMy second book, Death in a Dacron Sail was released ten days ago. I had a fabulous launch party in the Vat Room of a local brewery, and there have been two lovely online reviews so far:

Barb Vitelli

Rosie Amber

Death in a Red Canvas ChairSally, of Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life – did a five star treatment of my first book, Death in a Red Canvas Sail:

Nick Rossi, bless his soul, has tweeted about my book for the last week.

A million thanks to all of them!  As Rhe would say, they are wicked kind.

I’ve also had interviews published Chapel Hill Magazine, The Raleigh News and Observer, and the Boothbay Register.

So now what? I feel like I’ve given birth, and someone else is caring for the baby! Am I suffering from post-partum depression?

Here is what I have planned at this point:

  • Other blogging friends out there who will review the book.
  • Postcards printed I can send to everyone on my Christmas card list.
  • Bookmarks printed to leave along with copies of my book to drop off at local independent bookstores (Barnes and Noble will not carry the book because it was published by CreateSpace) – this will take a day of driving around and begging.
  • The A-Z Blog Challenge: this year it will be something related to my books (reveal on March 23)
  • Some readings – working on that!

So, all of my dear readers, give me more ideas! And please read the book and put some reviews on Amazon for me. I need all the input I can get. And I’m happy to return the favor.

Hugs from Rhe, Will, Sam, Jack, Paulette and Marsh and…me!



17 thoughts on “Death in a Dacron Sail has been released. Now what?”

  1. Congratulations on giving birth to the second book!, which I loved:) I’ll be posting my review very soon. I’m very anxiously looking forward to book 3, which I know is well on its way!
    I think you are doing all the right things, but don’t forget to relax and feel proud of your achievements 🙂 and finish book 3.

    1. I am very much enjoying writing book three. I know the polishing and editing process will be long so I’m trying to speed up the writing! And waiting for your #2! Impatiently….

  2. The launch sounds wonderful, Noelle, an excellent start. When it comes to marketing, i haven’t a clue but i’m sure there are some reading your offering here who will be able to advise.

    Good Luck!

    Big Hugs


  3. Hi Noelle! You already know I love Rhe. I am a few weeks behind, but I will be reviewing your book in the next couple of weeks. I am so excited for you! If book#2 is as good as book #1, you have a winner on your hands!

  4. My teenage kids are teaching me the power of Twitter. I’d recommend tweeting about your books on a regular basis. Spread it out over the day, find followers who are tweeting about their own books and retweet what they say. They will repay the favor. Quote your characters, pull out great lines. Once you get rolling, you’ll think of more and more things to tweet about!

  5. Noelle, I’ve added your book to my list of new books to feature on my blog on a Friday. I’ll try and mention your first book if you have a chance. I’m considering organising a blog tour for my next launch but it can be a fair amount of work even if you get somebody to help. Best of luck!

    1. Olga, thank you! I’d be happy to help with the blog tour. I’ve done it before. Probably should have tried it for this one. Keep me in mind.

  6. Congrats on the book AND the launch party! No ideas for you, sorry. Your list seems already to overwhelming for me. 😉 I thought about The A-Z Blog Challenge but, alas, I wouldn’t make it to “B”.

    1. Sarah, I too thought that challenge was a lot, but it’s actually not so bad. You can post only a few words each day – for example, maybe a quote each day? Thanks for your good wishes!

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