Guest Post: Author Fia Essen

Fia EssenHello friends and followers of Noelle!

My name is Fia Essen. I’ve been an expat since childhood. I grew up in the stables of the Middle East and Southeast Asia, surrounded by horses, philandering polo players, and the occasional Boa Constrictor. Currently, I live in Athens, Greece with my Yorkshire Terrier.

I’m an author. I’ve written two novels and they’ve both been published this year. Now I’m working on my third novel. I love to write. I get to make up stories on the job. What could be more fun?  But as I’ve discovered since I made the decision that I wanted to become an author, the actual writing is a relatively small part of being an author. Promoting my books and finding readers takes up a lot more time and effort. That’s why I’m so grateful to have kind friends like Noelle who are willing to help me out. Today, she has offered to let me tell you guys a little more about my books.

Ariel is a half-English, half-American, lifelong expat who was born in Hong Kong and now lives in Singapore. At the age of thirty-four, she is in debt and out of luck. She used to have a great career, a penthouse she shared with her boyfriend of ten years, and a group of fun friends. Now she has a dead-end job, a rented hovel of a home, and a rising stack of unpaid bills to keep her company. In essence, this is a story about finding the courage to pick yourself up when you’ve hit rock-bottom and starting over. Of course, there is also intrigue and romance in the book. Ariel is summoned by the mysterious Muse Agency and she has no idea what they could possibly want with her. She meets a charming Irishman who makes her feel alive again. But can she work up the courage to take another chance on love?

Anna thought she knew exactly where her life was heading. She was wrong. After ten years of climbing her way up the stressful corporate ladder at Milton International, her dream of one day occupying her boss’ corner office has been ripped from her thanks to a round of downsizing. Her boyfriend of five years has dumped her because he didn’t think she shared his vision of their “ideal future” together. In addition to losing her job and boyfriend, she comes to the conclusion she might be losing her mind too. A sane person wouldn’t follow a perfect stranger they meet on a plane to a tiny village no one has heard of on a Greek island, would they? The stranger in question is an irresistibly handsome Englishman with a sympathetic ear. But that’s no excuse to follow him to the place he calls his home and practically move in with him, is it?

I’d be thrilled if you read the books and find out how things turn out for Ariel and Anna!

You can find Ariel on Amazon in paperback and Kindle here: and Anna here:


And if you’d like to get social with me, you can…

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Follow me on Twitter – @FiaEssen

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Thank you!



PS Note to my followers:

Do read these books. Aside from being a great writer, Fia is a wonderful person to get to know, so do visit her blog!



7 thoughts on “Guest Post: Author Fia Essen”

  1. Hi, Noelle. What a delight to find Fia Essen, my wonderful young author friend, featured on your blog. I’ve already read ARIEL, which I describe as a modern-day Cinderella story. Definitely a 5-Star read! Will share your post on my media sites. HAPPY READING & WRITING, Fia and Noelle! <3 Bette

    1. Thanks, Bette. I love it when another author chimes in and supports one of my blogger friends. Fia is a delight. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know her a little better!

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