I = Kelly Ingram

13194341_9781630030339_coverIn Death in a Red Canvas Sail, Kelly Ingram is the quarterback of the Pequod football team – a tall, good-looking young man with reddish hair who has more than his share of female admirers. Rhe meets him on campus when she is tracking down friends of the young woman found dead in the canvas chair.

He makes another appearance just after a young black student, Tanya David, is dropped at Sturdevant Hospital after being attacked and beaten. Kelly brings her to the hospital but doesn’t stay around to identify her. Luckily Rhe knows her, and Rhe recognizes Kelly at the information desk asking about Tanya’s status, she grabs him to find out what he knows. Kelly stonewalls her, but when she threatens him with calling the police, he tells her his roommate, another football player named Raymond Little, was the one who did it.

How do you see this young quarterback? Got a movie star in mind?



11 thoughts on “I = Kelly Ingram”

      1. Spot on. Sadly, as for most of us, time has mixed effects: it smooths out rough edges, but it takes smooth surfaces and inserts wrinkles, lines and blemishes; it gives us memories, then conspires to take them away again, just when we need them most. John Denver may have sung “What a friend we have in time” (Friends With You), but I am not convinced.

        1. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older (or ancient as my kids remind me) but I find older faces much more interesting – there’s a lifetime there. Young faces are bland and smooth – really uninteresting in large doses, which is of course what we constantly see in movies, TV etc,

  1. Ryan Gosling? Changing Tatum? You need a hunk who can do the reddish ginge bit! Loving this. It’s like Noelle bingo trying to fill the rows

  2. The trouble with Kelly is that it’s far more common as a girl’s name in the UK, so I always have to do a mental shift with him. But yes, a young Ryan O’Neill is a good match 🙂

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