Hello readers!
Cameron here. You may know me as the “daughter” in some posts and I am hijacking her blog for Mother’s Day. Please join me in giving cheers to all the natural, birth, adopted, and pseudo moms out there!
No matter what relationship a person has with his or her mother, that person is alive because of her sacrifice of both time and self. I may not have come from my mother’s womb, but she has always been my mom.
She taught medical students for over 20 years while running a research lab and navigated her way through the ups and downs of academia (“publish or perish”), secured her tenure and numerous awards, and adopted and raised two rambunctious kids in the process. She and my dad were at every game, match, meet or horse show, and there was always food on the table and clean clothes. Now that I find myself navigating my way through the adult world, I keep asking her how did she do it? She always says it just worked out.
Thank you always, to this wonderful, talented, and powerful woman whose love, brains, hard work and passion for life have always been an inspiration for me. Even though she’s retired now, she has transitioned from typing out lengthy grant requests to creative writing. She has already released two murder mystery books and the third will be released soon. I have also read the first chapters of her Pilgrim novel and eagerly await the finished product.
The bar has been set. Thank you mom!
With love,
Your favorite daughter
#mom #inspiration #womanpower #professor #research #author #passion
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Tears in my eyes… Most beautiful gift for your wonderful mom!
Thank you to my precious daughter. You made me cry. I can’t wait until you get to know the joys of motherhood yourself! Love always, Mom
To the hijacking daughter: such nice thoughts about your mother! Happy Mother’s Day Noelle!
Hope you had a good one, too! With lots of goodies from the kids…
Wow Cameron, kudos to you for hacking into mom’s account and posting this, lol! xoxo You Are a great daughter!
I hope Cameron reads the comments – she’s in the middle of packing to move back to NC, so it amazed me that she took time to do this!
How lovely
fab photo too
She’s pretty special, isn’t she? We had the blessing of adopting her when she was just six months old!
How lovely my Great Nana grew up in an orphanage, her mother died in childbirth and no-one adopted her, at 14 she was working on a farm. I think it’s wonderful that people give children a loving family and that you’re all so happy.
Your Great Nana was a very strong woman, and look! you’ve got her genes! Both or children are adopted – we were blessed with Patrick, our oldest, when he was 3 days old. He’s making a career in the US Army, has served 2 years in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. We are so proud of him!
Oh my, I can barely respond with the watery vision at my keyboard. Mother/daughter relationships are complex, yes, but the most beautiful in the world. Congrats, to mom AND daughter. xo
Thank you! She’s a pretty special young woman!
Aww. This is wonderful. Thanks, Camero,n for a little peek into your fabulous mom and the smiling photo. I guess, Noelle, that you’ve had many great Mother’s Days.
Thank you, Diana! My kids haven’t always been around, but knowing they both have become wonderful adults is my real gift!
No kidding, Noelle. That’s the best gift of all.
What a wonder woman! Love this post and how it praises the hard work of not only your mom, but all moms out there who give it their best.
-Laura (steelinkisses.com)
This was a big surprise to me – and I do have a very special daughter who makes my world turn!