Here is the cover you voters selected. It was a very close vote! I think the artist did a great job with all my suggestions, and thanks so much for your choice!
Death by Pumpkin has gone to Create Space, the indie publisher I have used for the previous two books. After a few bumps and with the hope there are no more of them, I hope to have it up on Amazon and Kindle by early July.
Get ready to find out what lies behind this cover, literally and figuratively!
Brilliant, brilliant cover!! I hope the rest of the process goes smoothly and I look forward to the release!
Thanks, Lucy. I was afraid it was too gruesome and might turn some readers off.
Oh I don’t think so! It is beautifully done and in fact I think a bit of gore makes people more keen.
YAY!!!! That was the cover I voted for! I really liked the big smashed pumpkin on the car. Congratulations!
Thank you! and thanks for voting. Now I need to get all my voters to read the book….
Thanks, Rosie. You’ll get the book for your review list in July!
Noelle – they released that cover as the winner over a month ago… I received it in an email from the people who “govern” the survey. Congrats anyway. But really, it’s old news. I’d be asking why it was released early…
Live and learn – I wasn ‘t told they would do that, but as Gilda Radner used to say, Never mind! Or was that Lily Tomlin?
That was indeed Gilda, as her character the clueless Emily Lattella. Good memory.
Congratulations on the cover, Noelle. The voting was fun and I like the result!
Thanks, Diana! It was great fun having everyone chiming in and I did get a great result.
Well that’s just perfect 🙂
Thank you! Sort of gives the first chapter away but wait til you see the one for the fourth book!
I love it! It represents the book well.
Thanks, Elizabeth! I value your input!
A great choice. I must admit that I can’t remember if it’s the one I voted for or not! Best wishes for the launch.
Thanks, Norah. We may have two launches – one in New England in July and another one locally here in August. And of course one via my blog!
Sounds exciting! All the best!
Looks great Noelle!
Thank you, my friend. Hope you will take a look at the book when it comes out!
Ah, best of luck with the new book, Noelle, and congratulations!
Thanks, Ali. I will be putting an excerpt on my blog next month, I need reviewers! Hope to lure some reading in…
I’m sure you will!
Great cover, kiddo. Perfect for your beautiful book.
Thank you, dear sir.
That’s a pretty awesome cover. Pretty “impactful”! 😉 It’s so cool that you have people to pose for your covers.
That’s my daughter on all three book covers so far. Or parts of her. She took umbrage with the cover for the fourth – which we photographed last summer. She would have had to get down in a mud flat. Can’t say as I blame her. I will tell more about that when I have a cover reveal for the fourth book – but that will be more than a year from now!
Sounds like a great story. 🙂 Can’t wait to read about it!
Thanks, Alex. It will be out in early July with any luck. Would love a review if you like it!