I am always grateful for my friends in the blogosphere who follow my paltry offerings and find them interesting! I have had almost 25,000 views since I began this blog, and that figure staggers my imagination. THANK YOU!
I am just catching up with my followers, so if your name is not here, stand by!
Here is a list of my new followers as a shout out in thanks:
Fitness Inspirational: https://fitnessinspirational.wordpress.com Great fit bodies!
Kittens That I Love: https://kittensthatilove.wordpress.com Wonderful cat photos for all you cat lovers out there.
George Edy at GÂNDURI CURATE PENTRU LUME ADUNATE https://dordecanaan.wordpress.com Most recently he has a story in English called the Rabbi’s advice
Gary Jeffries at https://fictionisfood.wordpress.com He writes an inspirational blog, the most recent post is A Random Act of Kindness
Marlin Carter’s marketing at https://marketingwithmarlinblog.wordpress.com for ways to improve your marketing skills – what we all need
Donna Dechen Birdwell at https://donnadechenbirdwell.com Donna is an author, artist and archeologist whose book Way of the Serpent I just reviewed. Check her out!
bahelberg1 at mywritinglifexposed.wordpress.com/https://mywritinglifexposed.wordpress.com https://mywritinglifexposed.wordpress.com A prolific blog author and a daughter of farming parents and of the farmland of Northwest Ohio, she writes about her life growing up, films, horses and farm animals – what’s not to like?
The most amazing pictures of animals: https://incredibleanimalpics.wordpress.com Definitely worth a look each day for the AWWW factor.
https://anthonymize.net The author was born in Boston, Massachusetts and now live in Southern California, is married and father to three daughters, a teacher and student to it all. His influences range from the homeless to Harvard professors, and his blog is a collection of words and general understandings brought to you by me.
David Ellis aka Too Full to Write at https://toofulltowrite.com David is a 37 year old male, a writer, podcaster, lyricist, humorist, novelist/author and poet who lives in Tunbridge Wells, England. He likes/loves films, music, books, TV series, computer games, etc. He will chat with you about all sorts of stuff on FaceBook, Twitter or the chat of your choice! His books are flash fiction, short stories and poetry.
https://actions15.wordpress.com who lives in Newport Beach, CA (one of my former homes) and writes, travels and tries to live a focused life.
Akansha Negi at https://akanshanegi.wordpress.com/ She lives in India and has the most beautiful photos and information about India and its surroundings. Fabulous!
Araav Gupta at https://theaaravblog.wordpress.com/ She writes wonderfully lyrical blogs about the human condition and soul.
pixey1234556 at https://fantagexstarzblog.wordpress.com She blogs all about her random life/hobbies/things. Pixy is a young blogger who lives in Texas but was born in Nepal and doesn’t know what she wants to do when she grows up. Any followers out there who can relate?
Kevin at https://kevsravesandreviews.wordpress.com He writes exceptional book reviews about exceptional books and I clearly met him through many of my blogging buddies.
Book Haunt (great name!) at https://bookhaunt.com She is a 51 yr. old woman from Scottsdale, AZ currently running two new blogs: bookhaunt.com and thedefinedintrovert.wordpress.com. One is for book reviews and the other is for whatever strikes her fancy. Both are just for fun! She will rweview your books but is currently backlogged.
WooHoo! More excellent chaps and chapesses to investigate 🙂 I love the kitten one!!
Thanks, Lucy. There are some great blogs and bloggers in that list. One more to come – I’ve been remiss since January!
You are as resplendent as ever, dear Noelle 🙂
🙂 🙂 and back at you!
This is a nice thing to do, Noelle. 🙂 Have a happy week!
Thanks, Jo. Just a small way to thank my blogosphere for all their support!
whow… this is plenty of share. Look forward to visiting their blogs and reading more.
Thanks for stopping by and I know there will be someone in there whose posts you will LOVE!
This is so nice of you to do – share your new followers so we can click on their posts and discover them also. Thanks!
That’s just a perfect thing to say! Thank you! This is what I was hoping for!
I just came across your blog. I love your stories. I look forward to reading more.!
Thank you,Stacey. I should post more stories – I seem to get high-jacked by my books – or is it the other way around?
you are welcome, it could be the other way, as long as it’s fun. At least that’s how I see it.