New Follower Friday

As most of you know, I have made it a habit to do a shout out to new followers. I have been blessed with 30+ in the last month or so, so many that in order to do a shout out to each of them, I am instituting a post called New Followers Friday. Each Friday I will recognize six or seven people who have chosen to follow my blog…until I run out!

I hope everyone will take a look at these amazing bloggers. I have, and I’ve come down with a case of blogger boggle!

Hemangini blogs at My PetriDish.  This blog has book reviews and pretty darned good short stories, so check it out!

MeRaw   The Journey of My Left Foot (whist remembering my son) is written by a mother with malignant melanoma. She has already suffered the loss of her son to testicular cancer and writes movingly about her life.

Stephen Anthony is a recent college graduate trying to build up his social presence. He is a skilled photographer – check him out at

Kritika Nangia at When the Pen Speaks, who is pursuing an engineering Degree from Delhi Tchnological University (formerly Delhi College of engineering) with majors in Computer Science and who likes to explore, travel, eat, meet people and write. Expand your world and go here:

Plaisted Publishing house for indie authors. Check it out at

Amanda Fairchild at the Uncertain Scribe. She’s a poet, the author of short stories and thoughts on writing.

Adam Harkus, a musician! His blog contains music, written and performed by him. To treat your ears, find him at



4 thoughts on “New Follower Friday”

  1. This is a great idea for a blog series (on many fronts). So many interesting reads – so little time.

    I hope you’re getting caught up on return from your vacation at a reasonable pace. I trust you had a restful time and didn’t return totally exhausted from your book signings (and tree nonsense). We had a spate of lightening/thunder storms here as well – one took out a power station that left well over 1,000 buildings in darkness and a great many more apartments. Several hospitals in this area had to switch to auxiliary power (thank God for it!)

    I could manage without light, but a blackout meant no AC or fans as well – and it quickly became too h-o-t inside to sleep, even if I could have encouraged my chronos in that direction otherwise. MISERY. My abode was dark from about 10pm – 2AM. Some of my neighbors a few blocks away told me they had to wait until the middle of the following morning.

    Newly grateful for the wonders of the modern age as I look forward to more interesting posts from you.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

  2. Thanks, MGH! We lost our power here Friday night, but luckily not for long. Just long enough for me to get a mammoth second degree burn on my thumb from handling a hot candle container. Huge blister now but it’s been draining for two days and I figure it will heal up soon.

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