New Followers Friday

This is about as eclectic a group of followers that I’ve encountered. Read about them and maybe check them out? Amazingly, this is exactly what the title says it is. A blog about how to repair your own TV or finding someone who can. GO figure!

Larissa Takahashi at blogs about fashion, beauty menswear etc.  She is a Brazil born journalist with a strong sense of justice and fair play, a lover of beauty, harmony and fascinated by the balance and symmetry and wants to be surrounded by art, music and beautiful places. Her blog on home décor was fantastic.

Voulaah at This blog s in both French and English, written by Anita, young woman of 32 years from Madagascar who is fascinated by the fashion’s world and all that happens in the world of students. She shares her passion for fashion & beauty. She’s been working in the field of communication by being a journalist with a newspaper (Ma-Laza) and a local TV station (TVM) while she has a State Doctorate in Economics.

Bethrider13 at Beth is a Texas girl with sights set to live in as many places as physically possible. She reads voraciously and reviews everything she reads. She is a such a good person to do this for us authors.

Minal Dalal at is the founder and of POORNAM – Venturing Wholeness.  Poornam is a venturing Institute that supports wholeness thorough the process of knowing and connecting with self, eliminating age old toxins, Invoking potentiality, uniting whole self and enhancing self to the universe. This sounds like a great source of self-help since it uses very gentle creative and natural processes and tools to resolve the core issues of life.

Ray Hernandez and Will Herens at They blog about about being positive, motivation, life and personal development, with hopes of helping themselves while helping others. If you need a little uplift, this is the blog to visit.

Raul Conde 011 at has a blow-my-mind blog with all sorts of things on it – movie reviews, quotes, takes on vampires and Peter Pan, I could go on forever. Loved it and I think you will, too.

All Things Steph at is about love, life and everything in between. It is written by Stephanie B., a 26 year old college student studying Early Childhood and development. She loves to travel, read, write, and meet new people. She was born in South Boston, but raised in Dorchester (hah! my part of the country. “Southies” have a unique vision of the world – check her out!

Several times in the last week, I’ve only gotten a Gravatar (OrphanHelp, Fall) – sorry I can’t say anything about you!



12 thoughts on “New Followers Friday”

  1. I’ve said it before, Noelle, but this is such a nice feature. I only wish I could find more time for visiting. I always return visits but it sometimes takes me a long while 🙁 Gravatars are a pain if there’s no link to a blog. Happy Sunday! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Jo. It takes time to do this, but feel like I owe them some recognition especially since I can’t follow all of them. I’m already four week behind on my list! Happy Sunday back at you – it’s overcast and cool here, but I’m heading out to swim anyway!

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