New Followers

I’m finally back in the groove – cold over although another sore throat coming on… is written by a Portuguese girl with a passion for reading and random moments. She posts poetry (Auden, Poe) and beautiful paintings – so her blog is a feast for the eye, the ear and the mind. This blog deserves a visit!

Belroxi at posts about online dating and in her words the douchbags who dumped her. I think her humorous posts will resonate with a lot of young women. Sign up for some sympathy. is a brand new blog began in September. The author is Shivani Gupta and she is a post graduate. She wanted to start a blog because she’s  read so many things about  life ,fine life and high life .. but in reality she believes in normal people having normal life enjoying their life with simplicity and finds happiness in that.  I like anything with the word ‘happy.’ s about – you guessed it – pets with fur. The pictures are so cute – you can definitely get your aawww factor with this blog My favorite is the tiny hedgehog one. Couldn’t stop admiring the little fellow. is a blog site for news about China. I was particularly taken with the post about the report that over 1,300 elderly Chinese people go missing every single day and an average of 500,000 per year. The blog talks about government population policy and asks where they have gone.  Very provocative. Dwight Roth is the author of this blog and is now retired from teaching elementary school in Eastern North Carolina – near me! He spends his time painting and writing and he has self-published several books on Amazon Kindle. He writes about music, literature and art but always with poetry – a perfect blog for all you poets out there. Sarah is an indie author who began writing after the death of her husband. Her books are urban fantasy, paranormal adventures, with even a smidgen of horror, and she’s offering free books! Go to her blog – I know there are people out there who love, love this genre.

The author of (what a great blog title) writes weekly reviews on movies, books, and graphic novels. Recent reviews include Deepwater Horizon, The Magnificent Seven, and Ghost Busters to name a few. I am always looking for reviews before I pay my money to see a film in a theatre, so this blog is great. The author includes trivia on each movie,too!

Alyssa Davies at is 22 years old and currently a law student in Northern Virginia. She has a pet bunny named Gravy and she likes to write about whatever comes to mind whenever it comes to mind. Recent posts include ones on makeup, an introduction to the awesome Gravy, a trip to NYC, and a memorial for a friend who recently died. Interesting and very compelling, especially for younger bloggers.

And three odd ones: Paramount Group is a young and contemporary real estate company in New Delhi with an objective to create industry milestones. It has already established itself amongst leaders for quality and style. NO idea why the follow???

jenmou is someone following me, but since I received only a gravitar and couldn’t find a blog, I can’t do a shout out.

francislinblog The author is a student at Kenyatta University but unfortunately all I have is the gravatar, although I looked for the blog.



7 thoughts on “New Followers”

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning me in you recommended blog list. I really appreciate that. Where in NC were you located. I lived in Rocky Mount until 2011. Now I live in Monroe, near Charlotte.

      1. It’s impossible to avoid the germs, especially when you’re in busy public transport, so many people just cough and sneeze everywhere! I’ve started carrying antibacterial hand gel, I drink honey and lemon and lots of filtered tap water, I use a nose wash as soon as a blocked nose starts, I used to gargle but a specialist said not to. I can’t take sudofed because it’s too drying but I’m getting really precious now about not hugging people with throats and ear infections hehe 😷

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