In addition to being the companion of Danny the Dog (a prolific blogger) and the author of several books, amongst them the recent Yellow Hair, Andrew Joyce has recently been sharing his early life with his followers. Written honestly, some of it has been pretty eye-opening, but no part of it more than his recent post: Thirty Years a Junkie. This is at once amazing, horrifying and inspirational. He asked me to share it with you.

“Compared to some, I’ve lived an exciting life. At least parts of it were. However, compared to others, my life has been humdrum. The only thing I’m satisfied about is that all the drama took place when I was young and able to handle it. That would not be the reality today for I have grown old.
It’s confession time. I’m not looking for absolution. My only intent is to show some of you out there that there is hope. Nothing is forever. Perhaps my story might help you get to the next stage of your life. Maybe not, but I had help getting there, and I’ll tell you about it in a minute. First, a little background. And please, feel free to judge me. You cannot condemn me any more than I have already condemned myself.
When I was kid, I always had a wanderlust. I would see a freight train sitting on a siding, waiting to go on its way, and I would try to imagine its ultimate destination. Those open boxcars called to me. If I could only get into one of those cars, then I would be transported into a new life. Finally, I would see where the rails ended—that magical place. Then, and only then, would I know the secrets of the road. The secrets of the universe.
But, at the age of twelve or thereabouts, I wasn’t going anywhere. It would be a few more years before I broke with the bounds of conformitality (a word I just made up).
I was seventeen years old. It was summertime. I was between my junior year in high school and my senior year, and I was restless. On the spur of the moment, I decided I was going to hitchhike to California—a three-thousand-mile journey. At the time, I was living in Miami, Florida.”
Please read on at:
P.S. Andrew told me that he is not planning to answer any comments.
All you said it was and more. What I love about it the hope it can provide for someone else to #1 realize that you can release yourself from anything, if you really want to and #2 learning to love yourself, IS the greatest love of all!
Lovely comment, Annette!
What a story! Thanks for sharing, Noelle. 🙂
Andrew asked me kindly if I would. Happier blogs to come!