21 thoughts on “SPRING HAS SPRUNG!”

  1. All the gorgeous flowers we connect with spring. I suppose we’ll have to wait a few more weeks in Norway to see this beauties… 🙂

  2. No need to rub it in. Down here at the bottom of the world we’re still waiting for summer to happen – at least in the bit where I live. We haven’t had one day when I would’ve wanted to go for a swim! Autumn has one good thing down here: the leaves don’t fall – so very little raking! Nonetheless, I share you excitement, hope and joy at the beginnings of Spring!

    1. The pink blossoms are my Christmas camellias, which were so frozen before Christmas, they never bloomed. Luckily, a few of them survived and are now gracing us with their delicate pink!

  3. Early stirrings here in Gloucestershire: a few primulas, crocus, snowdrops and, this morning, three daffodils emerged. But we’re threatened with snow tonight/tomorrow! Still, it’ll soon be here in full. Thanks for the lovely pics, Noelle.

    1. Your welcome, Stuart. I haven’t seen snowdrops since we lived in Chicago. Probably because we hardly ever have snow? The croci and the daffies are hardy little things. I love to see pictures of them pocking through the snow…

    1. There is a park in Liverpool which has been planted with thousands of daffodil bulbs – to walk there in the spring is an amazing experience. Acres of yellow, bobbing in the wind. Hope you get a chance to see it sometime.

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