Hi and a huge welcome to Rave Reviews Book Club’s BOOK & BLOG BLOCK PARTY at Watch Nonnie Write! Location: Chicago, Illinois, the City of the Big Shoulders, which just happens to be where I used to live.
Here’s What I’m Giving Away Today:
One autographed paperback copy of Death in a Red Canvas Chair
One autographed paperback copy of Death in a Dacron Sail
One autographed paperback copy of Death by Pumpkin
So there will be three winners!
Let me introduce myself to anyone new to Saylingaway:
I’m a Professor Emerita at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. After forty years of research and teaching undergraduates and medical students, I decided to turn my knowledge of human anatomy to the craft of mystery writing. I’m still learning my craft! In addition to the Rhe Brewster mystery series, I have written for Death South and Sea Level magazines and the Bella Online Literary Review. I live with my husband, a cat who blogs, and a hyperactive dog in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and spend a portion of every summer in Maine, researching new ideas for my books and eating lobster.

I’ve written three books in the Rhe Brewster Mystery Series so far, the fourth – Death in a Mudflat – will be out by the end of this year. There’s no end to the deadly mischief my protagonist can get into…
On a warm fall afternoon, the sweet odor of decay distracts Rhe Brewster from the noise and fury of her son’s soccer game. She’s a tall, attractive emergency room nurse with a type A personality, a nose for investigation and a yen for adrenalin. This time her nose leads her to the wet, decaying body of a young woman, sitting in a red canvas chair at the far end of the soccer field. Following her discovery that the victim is a student at the local college, her investigation is thwarted by an old frenemy, Bitsy Wellington, the Dean of Students and Will, Rhe’s husband, who resents her involvement in anything other than being a wife and mother. Rhe’s interviews of college students leads her to a young woman who had been recruited to be an escort on a Caribbean cruise ship, and Rhe trails her to a high class brothel at a local seaside estate. The man behind the escort services is the owner of a chain of mortuaries and is related to the dead student. When Rhe becomes too much of a threat to the owner’s multiple enterprises, he takes steps to eliminate her. Can she survive being kidnapped and locked in a refrigerator with the dead? In this first in the Rhe Brewster Mystery Series, Rhe more than holds her own, but can she figure out why the body was placed in the chair on the soccer field?
On an icy February morning, Rhe Brewster, an emergency room nurse with an unstoppable yen for investigation, is called to a dock in the harbor of the small coastal town of Pequod, Maine. A consultant to the Pequod Police Department, Rhe is responding to a discovery by one of the local lobstermen: a finger caught in one of his traps. The subsequent finding of the body of a young girl, wrapped in a sail and without a finger, sends the investigation into high gear and reveals the existence of three other missing girls of the same age, plus a childhood friend of Rhe’s. Battered by increasingly vitriolic objections from her husband, the pregnant Rhe continues her search, dealing with unexpected obstacles and ultimately facing the challenge of crossing an enormous frozen bog to save herself. Will she survive? Is the kidnapper someone she knows? In Death in a Dacron Sail, the second book in the Rhe Brewster Mystery Series, Rhe’s nerves and endurance are put to the test as the kidnapper’s action hits closer to home.
At the annual Pumpkin Festival in the coastal town of Pequod, Maine, Rhe Brewster, an ER nurse and Police Department consultant, responds to screams at the site of the Pumpkin Drop. Racing to the scene, where a one-ton pumpkin was dropped from a crane to crush an old car, Rhe and her brother-in-law, Sam, Pequod’s Chief of Police, discover the car contains the smashed remains of a man’s body. After the police confirm the death as a homicide, Rhe embarks on a statewide search to identify the victim and find the killer. During the course of the emotional investigation, she survives an attempt on her life at 10,000 feet, endures the trauma of witnessing the murder of an old flame, and escapes an arson attack on her family’s home. There is clearly a sociopath on the loose who is gunning for Rhe and leaving bodies behind. With Sam unable to offer his usual support due to an election recall and a needy new girlfriend, Rhe realizes that the only way to stop the insanity is to risk it all and play the killer’s game. Maine’s most tenacious sleuth is back, this time to confront a menace that threatens to destroy her life and those closest to her
This is the first blog block party I’ve joined. I hope you’ll come back to visit my blog. It’s very eclectic – I never know what I will post (so far book reviews, historical pieces about the Pilgrims, art, short stories, interviews), whatever floats my boat each week.
You can find me here and
On Twitter: @rhebrewster
And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noelle.a.granger
And: https://www.facebook.com/search/str/n.a.+granger+-+the+rhe+brewster+mysteries/keywords_top
Hope you are enjoying the book and block party!
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Your books sound quite enticing and the covers and titles are very clever. I’ve been following your blog for a while and look forward to more from you. You’ve got a fascinating background, a perfect fit for a mystery writer!
I’m jealous of all the Maine lobster you get to eat. It’s one of my favorite foods
Happy Party Day!
Thanks, MC! I’m almost finished with my fourth book, Death in a Mudflat and have the beginning of #4 (Death at the Asylum) rattling around in my head! I love writing about Maine – what an excuse to gorge on lobster and Maine blueberries!
Your books look like really interesting reads. Wishing you lots of fun for your first book and blog party. I will sign up to follow your blog now I have found it!
Thank you so much, Lizzie. I am honored!
You party animal, you!
The flu I am enjoying right now is inhibiting my party ways, darn it!
Awesome party!
Sharing the good news… xo
Thanks, Bette!
I wish I could join you in Maine. I used to go to the Colony in Kennebunkport. Best wishes on your tour.
I have a friend who lives in an old sea captain’s house near Kennebunkport. We visit every so often on our way up to Boothbay Harbor. Great old white house with a wrap around porch and fabulous views of the ocean. No heat in the winter, though!
I really like your titles, and Death by Pumpkin has to be good with a title like that. Hope you draw a bunch of attention on your tour stop today.
Thanks, Craig. My next on is Death in a Mudflat, almost finished with it!
Hi N.A. good to know you. I can see where your titles are coming from, having been a medical doctor in your life before writing.
I like lobsters too. I cook them drenched in wine vinegar and garlic.
Do enjoy your party and have fun.
My husband takes the photo for the covers – the last one I used 99 Designs to enhance the original. My daughter is the model for all three – or parts of her! Thanks so much for stopping by – I love finding more lobsterophiles!
Thanks so much for stopping by! My hubs takes the photos for the covers – this last one I had enhanced by 99 Designs., The model in all of them is my daughter – or parts of her. Always love to encounter another lobsterophile!
Hi Noelle. Congratulations on your books, they sound intriguing. I’m always curious about people’s journey to writing. Have you always been interested in writing? did your career kind of entice you to use it to write?
I spent many, many years, Maggie, writing scientific papers, book, and grant apps. Nothing inherently creative in that – they are very formulaic. I never had time to write creatively until I retired, but then I started with a vengeance. My fourth book is almost done and the idea of the fifth is rattling around in my brain!
Hi Noelle – very cool blog! I def like ecelectic so this is a treat. Hoping you have a great RRBC blog day! – MikeL
Thanks for stopping by, Mike, and welcome to my blog. I definitely like to blog about lots of different things – although spring flowers distract me. Historical items, short fiction and lots of book reviews. Come back any time – you never know what you’ll find!
Great post – your books sound right up my street – clearly ones I am going to have to check out
Thank you, D. E. Maybe you’ll win one! In any event I hope you like them. I’ll be advertising the launch of the fourth book in a few months.! Stop by any time!
Hi – love your post – your books sounds really interesting and intriguing, and I’d love to read them! Glad I stopped by!
Thanks, Lynn! Maybe you’ll win one of the books – I think you might like them. The fourth will be launched at the end of this year – I’m just finishing the last chapters. And then for the hard job of editing, editing. Stop by any time!
Hi Noelle, Your covers sure captured my attention, especially the smashed pumpkin – so unique. Welcome to your first RRBC Blog party.
Thank you, Wendy. My husband does the photos for the cover – my daughter is the model (or her parts are). The third cover I had 99 Designs enhance. Stop by any time!
I added “Death by Pumpkin” to my kindle it intruged me and made me smile! Now I am thinking it is time to add a lobster dinner in soon:) I hope you enjoy your first blog tour. Great post!
Thank you, DL! I’m having a great time meeting people. I recently placed my third book on NetGalley, so you can read a bunch of reviews there. The book goes will with lobster!
Oooh boy! Love the titles and lobster is one of my favorite FOOD GROUPS! When I was young, my family went to Maine on summer vacations. On Lake St. George in Liberty. What fun we had during that time! I love mysteries esp. the cozy mysteries. Good luck on the tour.
Thanks so much, Annie. I think Maine is the perfect place for a summer vacation. We usually go for ten days or so, and I don’t touch meat the whole time. I love mussels, clams, oysters and fish so I’m in seventh heaven. We have our favorite restaurants and I love poking around in coastal towns and antique places. I do hope you’ll give one of my books a try! I even mention lobster occasionally! Thanks for stopping by – come back any time!
Think I’ll pick up one of your books and read it this afternoon. (thunderstorms)
Woo hoo! Thanks!
What a splendid line up, Noelle, Your titles are very easy to remember, but DEATH BY PUMPKIN … wow! Sounds like a must read to me. Even DEATH IN A RED CANVAS CHAIR – the cover is very eye-catching. All the best for today and thanks so much for giving the book descriptions. I loved all of it.
Thank you so much, Mareth! I’m so glad you stopped by. There are quite a few new reviews of Death by Pumpkin on NetGalley. Hope you will enjoy all three books. Come back and visit anytime!
PS I had fun doing the covers – my husband is the photographer and my daughter (or her parts!) the model.
It’s great to get to know more about you and your books. Love the titles and the covers! Have a great day on the RRBC tour!
Thanks much, Harmony, and thanks for stopping by. Visit anytime!
Your books sound like great reads! I read Nancy Drew as a child, and now I do believe I must delve back into mystery books like yours, especially since I’ma retired nurse!
Thank you, Mary. I’d love to have a nurse reading my books. Maybe I have an untapped group out there that might like them! Thanks for stopping by!
Welcome! Yes, maybe you do have an untapped group.
Hi Noelle, I’m Larry Landgraf. I’m having too many problems when I don’t log in with my wordpress account, so I copied and am pasting what I wrote a few minutes ago. Some of you will not know me as riverrmann. >> Hi Noelle, this is my first blog party too, but it won’t be my last. I hope you’re having as much fun as I am meeting new people and learning more about some you have already met. Nice post and interesting books. Thank you for sharing. Party on!!
Thanks for putting in all the extra effort to contact me, Larry. Lots of traffic today and wonderful meeting new people. Stop by any time!
Another fabulous stop along the RRBC Block Party. Thanks for sharing about your books, Noelle, and participating! I hope you have the best of days on your party day!
Great party, Mar! Thanks for stopping by – come back anytime – It’s been great meeting all these new people!
Hello N.A. Granger. Its so nice to meet you in Chicago or is it Chapel Hill? I get it. I will take a look at your works. Have a nice tour.
I used to live in Chicago, Shirley, but Chapel Hill has been home to me for a long time now. I’m having a great time with this party!
Hi, N.A.! I am so glad to meet you. I absolutely love your book titles. Fantastic. Wishing you the very best with your block party.
Thank you! Glad to meet you, too. This has been a great party – lots of new people! Stop by any time – I’ll be releasing my fourth book (Death in a Mudflat) at the end of the year.
So happy to meet you, Noelle and we are glad that you joined the party this time. Your books have interesting titles and book covers. Anxious to read them.
Thank you, Karen! I’m having a great time meeting people today. Hope you like my books, and stop by for a visit any time!
Your books sound exciting, great to learn about them on your tour stop.
Thanks for stopping by, Charles. Delighted to meet you – visit any time. Great party!
Hi Noelle. Hope you are enjoying your first Block Party. Love your book covers, very fitting for your genre!
What a party! I’m having a great time meeting everyone, Michelle. Stop by for a visit any time and thanks for visiting today!
Nice to meet you! This is my first block party, too. I love that title Death by Pumpkin, and the cover!
Thanks so much, Flossie. What a great name you have! I need to get around to meet others partying!
Next title is Death in a Mudflat – let you imagination run wild!
I’m really looking forward to reading Death by Pumpkin – must do it soon!
Thanks, Jemima. I am really enjoying Percy’s A-Z. Charming little fellows!
Hi Noelle, I’m so happy to meet you through this blog party. Your books are captivating and I love the covers. I look forward to reading them soon.
Thanks for stopping by, Gwen. Delighted to meet you ! The covers are photos taken by my husband, and the model is my daughter (or her parts!) The last cover I had enhanced by 99 Designs. If you are interested, I have some posts on how we did them. Come visit any time!
I have always liked reading murder mysteries. Yours sound intriguing.
Thank you so much.! I’m sure you have a TBR pile that’s tottering – but I hope you enjoy them when you get to them!
Your titles crack me up! Very clever! Rhe sure does know how to get herself into some sticky situations. lol!
Glad you liked the titles, and I hope I can keep the sticky situations coming!
Thanks for the invite to your block party. I got a good laugh about your description of your dog being hyperactive. I am writing my next book about a hyperactive dog friend of Lady Bird. Of course, I identified with your character, Rhe, the emergency room nurse. It takes a special kind of person to work in an emergency room. Rhe’s investigative instincts are a plus for a nurse in an ER. Had fun at your block party. Very interesting books. Best of luck with your books.
Thanks, Gracie. Angel, my hyperactive dog is 17 and still going strong. Stop by any time for a visit!
Waving from Asheville, North Carolina. Love the descriptions and covers of your mystery series. Love mysteries too. I’ll have to check them out.
Hi Kim – you’re waving from one of my favorite places in NC! Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you like my books.. Come visit any time!
Noelle, it’s wonderful to learn more about you and your work. So pleased you’re enjoying the blog tour! It’s a fantastic and fun way to connect and celebrate our shared passion for writing. Best wishes for your upcoming release. I’m following your blog and look forward to connecting with you more in the future. Cheers!
HI Natalie! What a sweet note – thank you so much for stopping by. This has been such a fun event – I love meeting everyone, and am into blog hopping myself. What a great way to meet and greet! Come visit any time.
Anyone who wishes me Lobster is okay by me! Lol I hope you’re having a great day on the tour.
So I need to wish you ten lobsters, Rhani. It’s a good thing we don’t eat them every day, though. Did you know the Pilgrims considered them junk food for only the poorest of people? They were so numerous at the time that you could just pick them up on the beach. Imagine!
So sorry I’m late – no excuses! Eclectic is my middle name – expect me around again!
No problem, Jan – the Wise Men were late too, and look how we revere them! Stop by for a visit anytime – I never have any idea what I’ll post on my blog, and sometimes I surprise myself!
Hi there,
Great covers and fun series, I wish you the best of luck with them
Thanks so much, Suzanne, for stopping by! Glad you like my covers!
What a really nice collection of mysteries….Glad you joined this Blog tour. Now, get well!
Thank you so much, Rob! I am better, although I still sound like Tallulah Bankhead. Does anyone remember her?
Hi, Noelle! I’m sorry that a brief stay in hospital robbed me of the opportunity to pop in on the day of your tour! Just stopping by now to say a big Aussie hello! Welcome to your first #RRBC tour! I can see by the number of other folks that stopped in that the folks at RRBC have as always swung their marvelous support behind you. I enjoyed the blurbs of your books, and the covers are superb. I’m certain you had fun! Welcome to the RRBC family.
Dear Sooz: Everyone has been so welcoming. I am sorry to hear you had to hit the hospital – here’s hoping they fixed you up right and proper. I love my blogging friends from Down Under – I’ve got several, including one my daughter visited when she was there with her husband last year.
Be well!
Thank for the good wishes, Noelle! I have had several lovely folks I’ve met online stay with me for a day or two when they arrived in Sydney for a visit. I’m now living in a rural setting, which I’m just itching to show off. I’m so pleased your tour went so beautifully.
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Do head over to Noelle A. Granger’s Book and Blog Block Party and introduce yourselves if you do not already follow her. Find out about her books and drop your links in the comments.
Thanks, Sally. I finally got my dates right! You’re the best!
I hope you feel better now. All your books sound great and I must read them soon (I know I have one coming… ;))
They haven’t told me yet to whom I send books – hope they do it soon!
I am slowly getting better – chest is still raspy but my voice is coming back. I was told this crap can take a couple of months to get over Dang!