I had many new followers appear while I was away. I’d like to recognize some of them:
Free Soul – A flawed human, a seeker of truth, enjoying my journey on this earth.
Willeke-Maya at https://irelandms.com
scskillman Warwick, UK fellow writer
Lance Greenfield at lancegreenfield.wordpress.com
Anjali Singh at https://sabakuchsocial.wordpress.com/
Poornima M Reddy at https://purnisfoodblog.wordpress.com
Ruth at https://imageandword.wordpress.com/t
Jessica Norrie – writer, linguist, teacher, mother at https://jessicanorrie.wordpress.com/
Professional Child Wrangler at https://confessionsofanurseryassistant.wordpress.com
Ellen Best at https://ellenbest24.wordpress.com
Helen Jones at https://journeytoambeth.com
Lab Works blog at https://labworksweb.wordpress.com
Prajahma Cruces at https://intrepidiamcom.wordpress.com/
Antonio Tarnawiecki at https://tarnawieckisart.wordpress.com
I appreciate your interest!
So lovely to finally meet you, Noelle, albeit too briefly.
Wonderful to meet you, too, Sue. I knew you would be as nice as you are on your blog! We are still heavily jet lagged and trying to cope with lots of things here at home and our son is off to Afghanistan in a short while…hope to get back to actually reading blogs soon.
Spending time recuperating and with your son is more important than anything else right now 🙂
Your usual good advice!
Oh to be a popular globe-trotting blogger!
Nice comment, Bruce – wish I didn’t feel so jet lagged and out of it!