How It Goes

I don’t usually post about the little day to day things, but I wanted to let you know that I am coming to grips, albeit very slowly, with losing Elijah Moon. He was the last of our pets, a total character, and our house seems very empty now without him. It still hurts my heart to see the couch where he slept every morning, and I had to put his beds away because seeing them also hurt. So there are times of tears. He lived large everywhere, so it’s hard not to see him slipping around a corner, just out of sight.

Hubs has promised me we will adopt another cat, as soon as we have recovered from Elijah’s loss. I can’t imagine life without a cat to love.

Elijah will always be here, with me, in my memory and heart. To all of you out there who have lost beloved pets this year, my sympathy and prayers are going out to you.

And thank you to everyone who sent me messages of support. They really helped.



33 thoughts on “How It Goes”

  1. The empty place in your heart cannot start to recover until the empty space in the house is filled. Adopt the cat as soon as you find the right one, not when you have recovered – because you don’t.

    With me, unless I take the empty cage away, I have to fill it – otherwise it simply hurts too much, each time I see it.

    <3 <3

    1. It won’t be long, Jemima. We head to Maine for a week the first week in October, and when we come back, we’ll start looking.
      I do want an older cat from a shelter.

  2. I used to think that people who grieved for pets were silly – until I lost one! So my thoughts are very much with you. I think I replaced my last pet too quickly – a new pet is a lot more work at the start, and I should have waited a little longer…

  3. I do still have our beautiful Ruby, can’t imagine life without her. Sadly we have had to say goodbye to 5 cats and a Labrador! The last cat died 10yrs ago. I still see her out of the corner of my eyes sometimes.
    Sending you hugs.

    1. Elijah was the last of five cats we’d had. Angel was the last of three dogs. It is so weird not to have a cat or dog around – I keep looking around. Hugs back to you.

  4. It’s so sad when you lose a pet. I know this too from experience. I hope you feel less upset soon. When I have a strong emotion I think about writing it down or imagining it happenning to one of my characters and I write it. It helps me not to feel so distressed. 💖

  5. My heart is with you, Sally. It took me several years to get over Tabitha’s death after living with her for 19 years. But I do agree with Jemima — the minute Tink entered my life my grieving took a sharp upward turn. I will *always* miss every single fur-baby that graced my life, but the glitch in the gut is no longer acute.

    Since you are planning to adopt I want to share what a friend did that turned out very successfully for her. She posted her name and number in several places that had public bulletin boards (including vets) with a message that said, essentially, “If you are moving or being deployed and cannot take yout cat, I would be happy to give them a loving home.” She not only got a terrific cat, she knew it’s entire history (and still corresponds with the owners, I believe. We’ve lost touch.)

    I’m glad you are feeling better.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

  6. Noelle, I just found out about Elijah’s passing. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is not “like” losing a family member – it IS losing a family member and it hurts. Zoe and I will miss Elijah Moon’s funny posts and we send hugs and healing love.

    1. Thanks, Emily. Tough to imagine I can see his little orange ears poking above the door frame when he wanted to come in in the morning. We will get another cat in a little while. It’s been decades and decades since we haven’t had some furry pet in our home.

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