As most of my followers know, I am a huge supporter of the military – it comes naturally to a military family!
Did you know that 24 of our Presidents served in the Army, or that George Washington chose the colors of the current US Army dress uniforms?
A lot of soldiers are in the air! Soldiers who jump from airplanes wear Airborne wings. Those who rappel from helicopters wear Air Assault wings. Those who fly into space wear Astronaut wings.
I’ve been mesmerized by a recent recruiting ad from the Army, particularly this photo. It’s of a member of Special Forces on a parachute jump and it took my breath away.
Very patriotic 💜
Army must have thought so, too – since it’s in one of their ads.
Yes indeed 💜
Wow! That is some amazing photograph. I can fully understand why it would hold you mesmerized.
I got goose bumps when I saw it!!
Wow! Cool picture. I support the military also.
Really cool!
Great picture – tons of respect for those who serve.
I was really taken with it. Have one sort of similar of my son on the ramp of a C130, but he’s not in the air!
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