TGIF and a Little of This and a Little of That

Ordinarily, I would celebrate a Friday. When I was working, Friday evening was when the whole family could take a sigh of relief: no hassles over homework, no lunches to pack. Pizza for dinner!  Sports to look forward to the next day.

Now Fridays are not much different from Saturday and Sunday, although we do tend to go to movies more on weekends. Next up: The Meg. I love sharks and hope to cage swim with some great whites sometime soon.

And soon it will be football season again (soccer has already started at UNC), so we will be gorging on UNC sports on the weekends, too. We’re so lucky to live in Chapel Hill, where we have a smorgasbord of top notch athletic competitiion at UNC.

So maybe a little less writing on Saturday and Sunday this fall.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU all the new followers who have joined me since the beginning of the year. I used to be able to post their blog sites and say a few words about them, but I’ve become overwhelmed since January with people generously and kindly following my blog.  So again, thanks so much for your interest. Your readership is what keeps me writing.

And with regard to the blogs I myself follow — I do wish I could follow everyone back, but I get roughly 90 emails a day with posts from the blogs I am currently following, and I can’t even keep up with that! So apologies to all my blogging buddies whose posts I can’t read every day and more apologies to the wonderful bloggers out there whose posts I can’t follow. I know I missing a lot!

Lastly, a little advertising: my fourth book in the Rhe Brewster mystery series came out in June

and I’d love it if all y’all would consider reading it and writing me a review. I’ve had lots of readers,

but the reviews are slow coming in. Heck, I know are all busy!  But I would esteem it a huge favor.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. Next up: an excerpt from my new novel: The Last Pilgrim.



4 thoughts on “TGIF and a Little of This and a Little of That”

  1. Noelle,
    I don’t know how you do all that you do already and then to keep up with all your fellow bloggers—you are amazing. I love your new book! Keep up the good work.

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