Happy Post-Thanksgiving to My Blog Followers

I hope you are all enjoying the posy-turkey glow of a full stomach and lots of football and basketball. We had a terrific meal with turkey and all the trimmings (including my great-great-grandothers meat stuffing and creamed turnips) and my two favorite Thanksgiving pies – sour cream pumpkin and bourbon pecan. Belch!

I want to recognize that I have a goodly bunch of new followers. I wish I could recognize you individually as I used to do, but the numbers are overwhelming my time! I thank you so much for being willing to read my scribblings as I wander where my little gray cells lead me from one topic to another.

Since I can’t follow all my followers, here’s a challenge. If you stop by a post of mine that interests you and leave a comment, I’ll wander over and visit you! That way we can keep in contact,

Thanks so much for your support  –  you are the jewels!



10 thoughts on “Happy Post-Thanksgiving to My Blog Followers”

  1. Hope you had a super thanksgiving, I know what you mean about followers and trying to get around to everyone, I always feel bad if I’m too busy to get around.

    I rely on my comments to remind me so I kept a list in excel that I click on to go through too.

    Coming over to the States early December for an audition so I hope the weather stays mild in NYC.

    1. I try to hit everyone on my list every other week or so – there are so many! But I LOVE your posts. Good luck with the audition – you are a star and you should get the role! Keep us posted, please!

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