Our beloved blogging friend, Sue Vincent, died yesterday after a brave struggle with cancer. I write this with tears in my eyes because we had been e-mailing back and forth for months. We chatted about our food, our books, our families and things that had happened to us in the past, and daily things that gave us pleasure. During her last months, I think she wrote and posted some of her most lyrical, wonderful and beautifully expressed thoughts on life. I miss her sorely but am glad that her travail is over.
To Stuart France, her sons and granddaughters, and, of course to her beloved dog, Ani, my deepest sympathy. Our loss cannot compare to yours.
Sue has her wings, but she has left us with the gift of herself in her writings.

The landscape of the heart is an infinitely wide place to run free and play with those we love. Sue Vincent
((( <3 )))
So sad.
Wonderfully stated, Noelle. I think as we age it’s natural to think about what kind of legacy we’re leaving behind. We should be so fortunate to impact as many people as Sue did.
Thanks for posting this, Noelle. I knew Sue was departing this life, but hadn’t heard until today that she had died. She was a good online friend, always willing to share and comment, always good-humoured. She will be missed.
Dear Noelle Granger and Stuart Aken,
I concur with both of you insofar as Sue, our fellow poet and writer, had always been a very graceful and amiable human being. She will definitely be missed by those who knew her and her prose well. Her essence will live on in her poems and writings that touch our hearts and minds.
I hereby salute and embrace all of you in our united stance towards paying our respect for Sue who had ceased cheating life and walked through the “door [that] hangs open and beckoning [her] … to see what the other side is like, its views and vistas, its salons, its gardens”, to borrow Jim Webster’s words.
Meanwhile, here is a special multimedia reward from me to cheer you up during this long Easter weekend at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2015/04/11/easter-in-modern-multimedia-perspective/
The said post has been extended and updated. Please enjoy!
May you find April and the new Springtime very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, reading, thinking and blogging about whatever topics that take your intellectual fancy!
Yours sincerely,
So sad, Noelle. A lovely photo and I agree that some of Sue’s most beautiful posts have come as she prepared the world for her departure, leaving us with gifts right up until the end. A sweet post that’s brought tears to my eyes once again. Hugs galore. <3 <3
Thank you, Diana. I hope we can remain ‘in contact’ with Sue through Stuart. I have saved many of her posts to savor. Our lives have lost another light.
<3 <3 <3
Sue’s words still ring in my ears, and I’m sure they will for a long time to come. She faced life…and death… fearlessly and with such courage and curiosity. We all will miss her horribly. Thanks, Noelle.
Stuart is still posting some of her pieces, but there is a hole in my heart!
So touching
I met her briefly a few years ago…her energy and smile were wonderful…
Her spirit was contagious!
So sad Noelle
I often think of blog friends I miss at times like this but I like to think they live on a little through me, the writing lessons I learnt from colonialist and the great spirit from my friend Diane Smedley, Sue reached out and touched many people and this is a lovely tribute.
Thanks, Charlotte. I feel a little better each day as Sue’s partner Stuart is reposting some of her blogs so I can hear her voice.
She was indeed a beautiful soul, Noelle. I couldn’t believe for how long she held off the inevitable, still posting, responding and shining a light all around her.

Jo, she was such a special soul – I think God wanted her early!
I had an auntie like that…long ago, Noelle

A lovely tribute Noelle. Thank you for writing this. Hugs on the wing.
Thank you, teagan. Stuart posted about her memorial service yesterday and I thought how very Sue!
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