A shout-out to new followers

The pouring rain from Tropical Storm Claudette has kept me at my computer and I am facing the fact I have been remiss in recognizing a slew of new followers. So here is a first installment. With gratitude for their follows!  There are some blogs in here that I know will interest some of you!  Have fun!


Josbees at, who writes about graphic novels and books by Anton Checkov, Anthony Trollope, Arthur C. Clark and other well-known authors. This woman is an omnivore when to comes to reading and has insightful things to say about their books.

Catalyst Food at This is a foodie blog and the photos made me salivate. Take a gander!

Sophia Lorena Benjamin at The author is an award winning poet and invited you to a daily dose of God’s touch in a minute…

Patricia Furstenberg at Pat is writer of contemporary books and novels where history meets fiction and a dog: page-turner Silent Heroes, bestseller Joyful Trouble, beloved children’s literature The Cheetah and the Dog, poetry and haiku – Jock of the Bushveld, Christmas Haiku – and short stories inspired by the history of Romania.

Marvin Praise – sorry, only a gravatar

Dee Min at  Dee wrote “This is therefore a brave and intentional space for creative self-expression inspired by my relationship with God. I am motivated to write from observing some of what I believe God created-by-design—nature, family, love, relationship.” She writes haiku and recently posted pictures of her spectacular garden, which almost rivals the4 bigger one of my fellow blogger, Geoff Le Pard.

Franklin Fardin at He is an affiliate marketer of Amazon. I am also a content writer of ladies fashion. Now it is my part-time profession. He has some pretty nice stuff on his blog, for all you clothes shoppers.

Wassim Kotob at Ravenful/Designed by Creativity( This is an online source for trending articles. I read one entitled How Successful People Spend the First Hour of Their Day. Articles cover Business, Health, Travel, Tech, Motivational, Style and Entertainment. Really interesting!

Mylcha Tirambulo at This is a blog about spectacular modern and not-so-modern house design. You should visit it! Spectacular photos!

Sharon Kehl Califano at She blogs gorgeous photos wherever she travels or lives. Her latest is one on doors – wonderful!

Dua, Wazifa, Ilm, and Taweez at have a blog with advice about love, marriage, and getting your love back!

Zehrakoltd  at This is a brand new blog with excellent photographs. She writes about markets, immunizations, healthy diets and fathers – based in Thailand. This young woman is talented!

Athira at her blog Crosswalk ( This gal is a poet, for all of you who like blogs devoted to poetry. You will enjoy reading her creativity.

Alfresh at   This blog is designed to connect Appalachian Mountains high school students with global leaders in design and technology using remote collaboration technologies.,

Corpus Christi Outreach Ministries at This blog belongs to a retired firefighter who came to South TX by way of the Navy. He started a jail ministry in Kingsville- then a church in 1987. He broadcasts on three radio stations, mainly KCTA radio for about 20 years. He self-funds as a retired firefighter and does not take support from outside. In 1992 he started a street outreach and worked with the homeless in our area of C.C. and men struggling with addiction.

Chef Verse at  OMG, you need to see this blog – the food is incredible and easy to make. I have a couple of chefs in my followers and it’s always a salivating pleasure to see what they are creating.

Sandeep Dhawan at Commander Sandeep Dhawan  is a veteran of the Indian Army and he blogs about geopolitics in his part of the world – very interesting and insightful.

C.B. Powell at  She is a writer of science-fiction, fantasy epics, and other speculative fiction works, and a performing guitarist in the South West of England, who has posted blogs on dialogue, exposition, world-building, etc. She also has links to two of her novella, Heritage and Blank.

Peter Whitaker at https://petercwhitaker.wordpress.comApart from writing and travelling he also enjoys art. He has done a bit of painting and drawing and more recently digital image manipulation. He is responsible for every image on his website, all of his my book covers, and the social media adverts. You can check out his covers and books (Sorrow Song Trilogy – historical fiction – and several other books of fantasy, a thriller, etc) on his blog.

Sara Gethin at Sara Gethin grew up in Wales and worked as a primary school teacher. Not Thomas, her debut novel for adults, was shortlisted for the 2017 Guardian’s Not the Booker prize, the 2018 Waverton Good Read Award, and was optioned for television. Her second book, Emmet and Me, came out in May of this year. Her writing has been shortlisted for the Colm Tóibín International Short Story Award and she has written four children’s books under the name Wendy White, and the first of these won the Tir na-nOg Award in 2014.  Someone to definitely check out!



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