A Lovely Night on the Vltava River

One of our nights in Prague was spent on a river boat cruise, complete with a light dinner. Our friends had bought tickets for their family and another couple, in addition to us. There were eight in all, including our friend Franta, his son and wife, and their teenage son Jiri, who had served as a tour guide for us and also a translator.

Despite the fact we lived in Prague for a year, we’d never been on the river, and the views were unique,  We got to sail around Holesovice, the part of the city surrounded by a hook in the river, and where we had lived during that year. There was much we didn’t recognize because of all the building over the years, but I did recognize the long stretches of road where I walked by the river on my way to a tram stop.

One of the surprising parts of our evening aboard was the discovery that a choir was also taking the ride, and they serenaded us with enthusiasm and wonderful harmony from time to time. They climbed to the upper open deck to sing later, much to the delight of people walking over the Charles Bridge.  The choir sang lustily as we passed under the bridge, to enjoy the acoustics.

In addition to the Charles Bridge, we had wonderful views of the castles complex, Mala Strana (New Town) and Kampa Island, a romantic place, surrounded by water and accessible from the Charles Bridge.


One other thing of note is that one of our walks, we found ourselves in the middle of a marching  demonstration by vegans, protesting meat eating. There was one sign I can’t exactly reproduce, which said “Eat p—-, not meat!”

After only three days, we left Prague with regret and headed to Cesky Budejovice, to visit another old friend.



12 thoughts on “A Lovely Night on the Vltava River”

  1. I love river cruises, and sometimes take round-trip ferries if they don’t have them in the places I visit (or if they are just too touristy). Those have included Sydney, Cairo, Zurich, Mainz and London of course. The tourist trips in New York, New Orleans, Amsterdam, Paris, Bangkok and Norwich are well worth it!
    I have friends in Mainz too. Forgot to mention that on the last post. That’s why lots of Bravo Victor is set in the Rhinelands…

  2. Great post, Noelle! The photo of your group on the boat brought back memories of a few little cruises I have taken in my life – and has inspired me to take one here in Cincinnatti. Not quite as compelling as a trip “across the pond”, of course, but I’m sure there are also many beautiful views here I would love to see from the river.

    My admiration for the teenaged Jiri who was fluent enough in two languages to translate in Prague – and how exciting that you were able to live there for a year as well as to be able to revisit.

    Cincinnati-tethered for now, I relish my virtual travels with bloggers like you. Thank you so much for sharing – I loved all the beautiful photos as well as your description of the experience.

    1. Thank you, Madelyn! Jiri was a dear – he is about to enter Charles University, and we are hoping we can lure him to Chapel Hill and UNC for graduate work!

  3. A boat is usually my first port of call, Noelle. I haven’t managed Prague yet. When did you live there- presumably a long time ago? 🙂 🙂

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