Let the Weddings Begin!

This year will always be known to us as the Year of the Weddings. We attended a wedding on Cape Cod in June, which was held on a beach and officiated by a wonderful woman. I swear it was a Wicka ceremony, though. Can’t ever recall being told to whisper wishes for the bride and groom into my cupped hands and then blow them to the couple. Or point to the sky, then the sea, then the land for their blessing. But it was charming and heart-felt, and the officiant did say, “By the power vested in me by the State of Massachusetts…”, so I’m sure they’re married.

This weekend my niece will be married to a wonderful young Greek man with a huge family. We will probably meet them all tonight at the rehearsal dinner. Good thing the groom’s parents pays for that. It’s begun well enough, with a call at 2AM from my daughter saying she and her fiancé had missed the plane in LA and hoped to be here by 3:30 this afternoon. Nice to know, since it’s a two hour drive to the dinner and I’d rather not exceed the speed limit.

The next wedding is that of a former graduate student. She is now a rising Assistant Professor at The University of Ohio (I’ve been told you need to include the “the”) and is marrying a widower with three children. Instant family. If anyone can make a go of it as a stepmother, she can. I only hope she manages to get the affair organized, since she’s always got more on her plate than she can handle and tends to do things at the last minute. I’m trusting I won’t be helping her with the centerpieces.

Finally, in October, my daughter’s wedding. Although the ceremony and reception are going to be at a place that supposedly handles all the details, there are still a million to work out. I’m sure all the MOB’s out there are intimately familiar with this. The invitations are not done yet, although the Save the Date cards went out and there is a wedding web site. How the heck did I get married without a wedding web site, a videographer, buses to take our guests to the site, and favors for each guest? It’s like a Hollywood production…but then, my daughter does live in LA.

Stay tuned for more wedding adventures, and I’d love to hear about yours!

P.S. Yes, there will be a dog in the processional (not this one, but close). He comes with his own tux!

Dog at Wedding



12 thoughts on “Let the Weddings Begin!”

  1. Your post did resonate as it seemed like I was writing it! You know why. Because my daughter too gets married coming December, and like you, I feel there are innumerable things to be attended to.

    Wishing you all the best going forward.


  2. That is a full last-half of your year! The good thing is that you’ll have had plenty of run-throughs so hopefully your daughter can avoid any pitfalls you encounter (hopefully none!).

    After hearing stories from friends and family, I told my parents I plan on eloping if I ever get married. Mom’s all for it, Dad wasn’t too impressed and with my luck I’ll end up with a groomzilla. Ah, well.

    Enjoy the festivities and congratulations on your daughter’s upcoming nuptials.

    1. My husband and the father of the groom have suggested more than once that the happy couple elope to Las Vegas and the Little White Chapel. For the cost of the wedding, we could give them a down payment on a house! I got the same suggestion from my father, so your idea is popular. I doubt you’ll end up with a groomzilla – your blog shows a woman of good sense and discerning taste!

  3. I haven’t got any weddings on the cards so I will do with hearing about yours. Love the dog. How exciting to have your daughter being married or perhaps you are lucky you live on the other side of the country and not get caught up in the stress of it all. Just enjoy them all.

    1. Oh this wedding is stressful enough! My daughter is here with me for three weeks to try to nail down a thousand details. We’re both on diets for the big event!

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