Meet the Main Character Blog Hop!


My friend, Elizabeth Hein, invited me to participate in a Meet the Main Character blog hob. Took me a bit, but I am honored that she chose me to participate. I encourage you to visit her blog site:

Elizabeth is not only a sister blogger, but a member of a critique group we’ve both enjoyed for nearly five years. She is a very talented writer, authentic and creative and has taught me so much!. Her new book, Climbing the Eiffel Tower, comes out in October, and I plan to promote it here on saylingaway. It’s five star.

Here are her questions, pertaining to my book Death in a Red Canvas Chair.

  1. What is the name of your character? Is he/she fictional or historical?

My protagonist is Rhe (rhymes with the cheese brie) Brewster. She is a fictional 36 year old wife, mother, and emergency room nurse.

  1. When and where is the story set?

The story is set in Pequod, Maine, a coastal town with small liberal arts college, Pequod College.

  1. What should we know about her?

Rhe has a natural nose for investigation and a yen for adrenaline. She is a take charge character, as suits her profession, but she tends to leap before she looks. She is loyal to her friends and a good mother.

4. The very things about her character that make her interesting also create conflict at home with her husband. When she decides to help her brother-in-law Sam, Pequod’s Chief of Police, discover who murdered a young girl she herself found on her son’s soccer field, her husband Will objects. He only agrees when Sam hires Rhe as a consultant and pays her for her work. Messing up her investigation is Bitsy Wellington, the Dean of Students at Pequod College. Bitsy is an old frenenemy from her childhood, who is also making life at Pequod difficult for Will, an Associate Professor of Psychology at the college.

  1. What is the personal goal of the character?

To find the murderer, care for son Jack, learn to cook (she’s a known disaster in the kitchen), and try to save her marriage to Will.

  1. Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it?

Death in a Red Canvas Chair is available on Amazon and Kindle. The next book in the Rhe Brewster murder series, Death in a Dacron Sail, is scheduled to be out this fall.

  1. When can we expect the book to be published? See number 6.

8. Tap several more people to highlight their books.

Tricia Sugarek,, author of the World of murder series

Luccia Gray,, author of All Hallows at Eyre Hall

Terry Tyler,, author of Kings and Queens.

+Luccia is fascinated by everything to do with Victorian England (including everything Neo-Victorian). Jane Eyre is her favourite novel. She couldn’t live without it, so she has to reread it every single day. She adores Gothic novelists, especially Wilkie Collins and Mary Shelley; Detective novelists, especially Arthur Conan Doyle; Romantic novelists, especially The Brontë sisters; and social novelists, especially Charles Dickens and George Elliot. She likes to think of herself as their literary descendant or reincarnation.

She hopes you’ll enjoy her Literary Blog, Rereading Jane Eyre, where you will find short articles on Victorian Literature and Neo-Victorian Literature in general and especially Jane Eyre. You will also be able to find out more about her debut novel, All Hallows At Eyre Hall, the first novel in the Eyre Hall Trilogy, and preview parts of the second volume, Twelfth Night at Eyre Hall, which she is currently finishing.

Terry TylerTerry Tyler has published seven novels ~ ‘Kings and Queens’,’You Wish’, ‘Nobody’s Fault’, ‘The Other Side’, ‘Dream On’,’Full Circle’ and ‘What It Takes’ are ‘exclusively available’ (!) on Amazon Kindle Store. A collection of short stories, ‘Nine Lives’, is also available. She is currently working on the sequel to ‘Kings and Queens’, which is called ‘Last Child’ – aiming for Jan/Feb 2015. Coming in July 2014 – a novella called ‘Round and Round’. She also writes for The UK Arts Directory, about self-publishing.

Trisha SugarekAuthor, playwright, and poet, Trisha Sugarek has been writing for four decades. In the early days, her writing focused on play scripts.  She has since expanded her body of work to include fiction, books of poetry and Haiku, and a group of children’s books.

As an actor and director she enjoyed a thirty year career in theatre. Writing full time now, she remarks, “I’ll step back onto a stage to direct something that is on my bucket list but I’d rather write and let someone else do the directing…”

Originally from Seattle, she has worked in theatres from coast to coast. Her plays have been produced across the country and internationally. Trisha makes her home in the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia with her two golden retrievers Rocky and Gus and her cat, Fiona.

She has recently launched a series of murder mysteries, The World of Murder: The Art of Murder, The Dance of Murder, The Act of Murder, and The Angel of Murder.






16 thoughts on “Meet the Main Character Blog Hop!”

  1. Loved the post! You’ll be pleased to know that DIARCC is nearly at the top of my to-read list! I’m really looking forward to it 🙂

  2. Thank you Noelle! You are so kind! I’m looking forward to this blog hop! I’m trying to format my book for CreateSpace myself abd it’s driving me nuts! Almost finished cover, now doing interior:-(

    1. The first time was frustrating for me, too, but the product was worth it. I ended up with a good number of errors, all my fault, and I had to find a friend who is a picky line editor to go over it and then pay for corrections. Hang in there!

  3. I can vouch for your character, she’s strong, smart and yes, that creates some trouble at home, but I love her. Sounds like fun, the blog hop. Thank you, will visit Elizabeth shortly.

  4. This is super interesting! I’ve put DIARCC on my TBR list. So many books to read (and write) and so little time! I’ve always been envious of that enigmatic Heather who recommends books in Chapters. I want a job where I can read all day!

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