A clowder is a group or a kindle of cats, on the order of a murder of crows, a gaggle of geese, a quiver of cobras, a confusion of Guinea fowl.
Some friends of mine have a clowder, and their cats are each so distinctive and funny that I had to write about them.
On Monday I will post the first part of A Comfortable Clowder, A Cat Story for Adults.
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Will look forward to Monday. You with your upcoming story, and my 2nd collectable quote post. Aren’t we having fun!
Happy New Year to your wonderful blog and YOU.
Thank you Stepheny! I celebrated last week – got over 100 followers!
roll on monday!
I’m posting this story in parts, John. I want people to enjoy it and it’s too long for a single blog post – so you get a one third teaser on Monday!