17 thoughts on “Interview with Chapel Hill Magazine”

  1. Wonderful interview, Noelle. I’m with you on the outline part, don’t make them either — just a plan of some sort and it seems to work out okay. Love reading all about your process, and about your background. Having read your first book, I can attest to your talent as a writer.

  2. Great interview! I enjoyed learning about your writing process and love the idea of reading the dialogue with your daughter! What a great way to keep it from sounding stilted. I’m really looking forward to getting into this one. You can have my share of bungee jumping though!

    1. I managed to talk my husband into letting me skydive for my birthday this year – he put his foot down on bungee jumping. The book has gone through yet another edit and a thorough vetting by me since I sent out the ARCs. Not much as changed by way of plot but we caught some repetitions and a couple of inconsistencies. I’ve lost count of the number of eyes that have been on it!

  3. Hi Noelle! I so enjoyed reading this interview. I’m going to provide a link to it in my ‘Wednesday Whine’ post this coming Wednesday. I’m very excited about your new book! Rhe is a wonderful character, and I’m pleased that she has resonated with so many readers! She certainly ticked all my boxes for a compelling, sympathetic and realistic character.

  4. Elizabeth Calwell

    Noelle, I don’t know where you come up with the subject matter for your murder mysteries but they are definitely different from the everyday books that I read. I can’t wait until the next one comes out. Keep me posted.

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