I got a brief message today on my blog from someone whom I don’t know. This person wanted to tell me that Grayson Queen, a blogger whom I follow, had died. His last two posts told us he had to leave work because he was bleeding from his ears and nose, apparently from an infection. He was given antibiotics and sent home. As an anatomist, I know that any infection in the middle ear and nasal sinuses has a good chance of spreading to the brain. I wasn’t told how he died, but I suspect it might have been that.
Grayson was young, 35, and a remarkable young man. Here is how he describes himself from his blog, Posting Tuesdays:
“Grayson Queen is a full-time novelist and painter located out of Orange County, California. His artistic passions range from deeply philosophical to unusual science fiction and fantasy. In his free time, Grayson dabbles with music, sculpture, and various explorations of geek culture. He is happily married to a dinosaur, and is happily owned by two amazing cats.”
Grayson’s wife, Rara, about whom I wrote last year, is also a blogger, an exceptional writer,and is currently doing time in a California prison for a white collar crime. She has been told of his death. I cannot imagine how awful this is for her.
You can visit her blog, Rarasaur, at http://rarasaur.wordpress.com/. Grayson would post pieces sent from her on her blog. Rara will be released this coming November.
I am deeply affected by Grayson’s death. He had struggled hard in the past two years with the arrest and incarceration of his wife, a low-paying job that meant he had to live in an unsafe place, and an inability to continue writing. His blog stories were amazing.
I don’t know whom to contact to find out more, to send my regrets and sympathy, but felt I needed to mark his passing. Our world is poorer for his passing.
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Thank you for spreading the word.
So sad. Two such lovely and loving people.
I’m hoping someone will see this and let me know more about what’s happening. Thank you!
You will find links to what you’re searching for on my blog if someone hasn’t given them to you already. Dave/Grayson was a friend of mine & many of us on another site.
Thank you for spreading the word. People need to know this story. He was a magnificent person.
Reblogged this on S.K. Nicholls and commented:
Sad news on Rara and Grayson Queen. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thank you so much!
Oh my… these poor people have been through so much – and now Grayson is gone. I was shocked to read your post; I know how difficult the incarceration has been for that family.
Thanks, Kate. I hope someone will read this and send me more info.
Reblogged this on Rich Weber and commented:
Well now, this is terrible, unexpected news. I find myself without the words to properly address this. Just, well, wow.
Thanks for reblogging.
I didn’t know them or their blogs, but it is very sad news.
You can check out some of their writing on their blogs, and hopefully Rara will be back on line after her release.
oh, this is heartbreaking to read…life is unpredictable, I am so sorry.
Hopefully I’ll find out where condolences can be sent.
Oh so sad! Much too young too! My deepest sympathy to his wife. Blessings and thanks to you for sharing.
Thank you and thank you for caring!
Such a shame Noelle, perhaps the authorities will see fit to release Rara early wearing a tag or maybe on probation. The news must have devastated her and will leave her feeling helpless.
Grayson has passed far too young, a sad loss to our community.
xxx Huge Hugs xxx
We can all hope this – I have no way to know what is going on unless someone posts for Rara or she gets out and posts herself. I am still in shock today. Thanks for the hugs – I feel in need of them today!
Prayers for Grayson and his family.
Thank you!
This is not only tragic, but surreal. How is this possible in the real world? Maybe the world we thought as real, is not.
Are we somewhere in between? If so, where?
You hit the nail on the head with regard to how I feel. I only know these people through their blogs, and yet I feel like I do know them and have suffered with them through their troubles.
Yes, me too. I was truly shaken this morning when I received an email with the news. Though I never met either of the couple, it still sounds surreal. Tragic. I can’t imagine how Rara is.
Very sad news…
Indeed. I’m sad.
So sorry to hear of this sad loss. Thoughts and prayer to all who knew and loved this remarkable chap. May his words live on.
I hope Rara gets to read these comments.
I didn’t know Grayson or read any of his work, but my heart goes out to his family. He was such a young writer whose life was cut short.
Thanks, Hugh. “Like” is strange with news like this.
I can’t bring myself to “like” this post, because it is just so sad. He was so young, and so much of their life seemed to come to shambles so quickly. A true, and terrible, loss to the community, and the world.
Hopefully Rara will read these comments some day. They might offer some measure of comfort.
Please do accept and forward condolences from a fellow blogger – may the departed soul rest in peace!
If I ever find a way to contact Rara, I will pass on everyone’s prayers and condolences.
Thank you so much!
You can write to her in prison. CDCR has an online inmate search function. Put in her name — Radhika Jaini and it will say where she is. Then click on the link for the prison and it will have instructions for how to address mail.
This is tragic news indeed. I didn’t have to opportunity to find my way to Grayson’s site, but my heart breaks for him and his family left behind. It hits hard, as I will be the same age as him this year… Thank you for sharing, for letting us know.
Thanks, Takami. I just got a notice of his funeral service – this Saturday. I am hoping they will let his wife attend,
It is so sad. While I don’t know of their circumstances, I sincerely hope his wife will be allowed to attend. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Rara’s current address:
Radhika Jaini WF0124
16756 Chino-Corona Road
Corona, CA 92880
Thank you so much!
Thank you sweetheart for posting Rara’s address. I was going to do thst here as soon as I read this post.
Thanks, Daydreams. I am out of town with limited connection but will post Rara’s address on my blog when I get back so that people can send her their sympathies and let her know she is not alone.
Thank you so much, noelle!
Although I am not familiar with Grayson or his wife, I was shocked to hear. Hugs and prayers to you, Rara. I am so very sorry.
Thanks for caring. I have an address for Rara and am passing on everyone’s wishes.
I am certain she will be very touched by your kindness.
Thoughts, prayers and heartfelt sympathy for Grayson’s family…
Thanks, Bette. It’s really hard when someone so young and promising dies.
RIP… courage, serenity and strength to his close ones.
Thanks, Melanie. I will transcribe everyone’s wishes in my letter to Rara.