Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day, the one time of year when both Hubs and my daughter team up to make my life miserable.
Their best get was on the April 1st just before Cameron graduated from college, when she called to tell me she was pregnant. I have to admit, she’s a good actress. Hubs played along, and I was completely snookered. She didn’t even have a steady boyfriend! Scenarios of what to do ran amok in my mind, and I started to talk with her about options. Then of course came the “April Fool!” I won’t tell you what I said to the two of them…
Anyway, the A-Z challenge starts tomorrow. This year, because my third book comes out next month, I am doing characters and places from the book. Each post will be mercifully short.
Here’s the kicker: I’d like you, if you choose to comment, to include a picture of what you think the character looks like! At the end of the month, I can post those that I think are most closely aligned with what’s in my head. Should be fun!
And thanks for stopping by…
That’s a terrible joke, Noelle. I would have had the same reaction! Looking forward to reading your A-Z 🙂
Thanks, Diana – do send me some pics!
I just read the copyright blog that said, “don’t send pics of people ever!” Bummer, huh? I love your idea and if any of my family members look like characters (lol) I’ll send those 😀
I pay a couple of companies (minimal amount) for the right to use their pictures. Hoping to avoid the copyright stuff.
That works, Noelle. I should look into that as an option. Sometimes the photos I want just aren’t on the free sites. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Children can be cruel sods, can’t they. Love ’em though we do. Husbands sound just as bad, though.
That’s why I can’t repeat what I said to them!
Ah, your take on the Challenge sounds fun. Will do my best to guess the character’s characteristics. 🙂 And you had me LOL at the daughter-father prank. Something tells me you let them hear it for a looong time. 😉 Look forward to April, Noelle.
Me, too, Sylvia – busy month for everyone!