Sue Vincent is one of my blogging buddies, and she asked me if I would do a guest post. You can see it here:
I was honored to be asked, and I decided to use the opportunity to present some of the research I’ve been doing for my historical novel. Since the woman about whom I’m writing was 4-5 years old at the time of the Mayflower voyage in 1620, Pilgrim children are much on my mind.
What you will see is that children are not much different, no matter the historical era.
If you haven’t had a chance to meet Sue, do check her out. Her blog is nothing short of amazing.
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Thank you so much for coming over, Noelle…and with such an interesting post too!
Many thanks, again! Hope you gather some new followers!
Likewise, Noelle
Thanks for hosting Noelle. I’ll be back to see more of your blog, Sue. My little Shih Tzu TinkerToy is my owner. xx, mgh
Always a real pleasure to host friends, Madelyn

You have my sympathies if you are ruled by a small dog
lol – at least he makes sure I get a bit of exercise.
xx, mgh
Mine is bigger than the ‘small’ she claims… so is the exercise… so why do my hips still expland??
No big problems with weight around the hips here! Mine seems to want to settle in the middle these days – so I can’t even hope to walk it off, even if the stop and sniff parade moved a great deal faster.
(LOVE your red hair, btw.)
xx, mgh
I was avoiding mentioning the middle
Getting older seems to solidify bits that once had a more fluid nature 

The hair is no longer red… the pic is about four years old now, I suppose. Itis also longer…and wilder…. I loved the orange though
Ah yes, getting older is a real treat, isn’t it? This stiff upper lip nonsense must stop – we all need more warning, if only to make sure we all appreciate hottie bodies while we still walk around in them. ::evil grin::
And let’s not even start on hair color upkeep. Now that I no longer want long hair, it grows like a weed! (Roots ain’t just a movie.)
xx, mgh
The ageing process is interesting. Just as I am enjoying the inner confidence, the outer scenery seems to be deteriorating rapidly
The attributes of youth come at the wrong end of life 
I always coloured mine at home, so it wasn’t a problem… and cut it too, but I quite like the versatility of longer hair.
Home colored since High School (when I did it for body) – but I am weary of the upkeep treadmill.
We get the wisdom award in the beauty pageant that is life – but there are days when I’m sure many of us would trade it for a day of what we used to take for granted. BUT, as long as I am healthy and have energy, I’m truly grateful.
xx, mgh
Heels and waists… there are days I’d like them back. But not many. I’m happy now.
Congrats. I miss the heels.
xx, mgh
Me too. x
I came across this post on Sue’s page just recently and thought it was just excellent!
Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie.
Cheers! Heading over to Sue’s blog. xo
Great article. I left my comment for you on Sue’s page. xx, mgh
Thanks, Madelyn!
But of course! xx, mgh
I’m heading over now.
Thanks for sharing your research 