I guess I need to Start the New Year…

Okay, okay, it’s January 4th and I haven’t done a post since welcoming in the New Year. Dragging my feet…wondering if I really have anything worthwhile saying, feeling like Eeyore.

Maybe it’s because someone in California stole my credit card number and charged $250 worth of stuff by the time I discovered it on New Year’s Day. My new card is on the way, but this is the third time I’ve had my card hacked in three years, this time apparently because PayPal got hacked over the holidays. The hackers sure know how to sprinkle Bah Humbug around.

Then a friend notified me that my Facebook page had also been hacked, creating a ‘cloned’ page. Hopefully got that fixed too. More Bah Humbug.

Now for some better news:

I finished three more chapters of the fourth book in the Rhe Brewster mystery series. As usual, not sure where it will go, but I’m a pantser, so no worry.

And some good and some not-so-good:

My son comes home from a three year deployment inΒ  Germany on Sunday Can’t wait to see him. He won’t be around long – he has lots of friends to see before he is off again, this time to Afghanistan.

So, January is off to a so-so start. Here’s hoping yours is lookin’ better!

Image result for pictures of Eeyore



45 thoughts on “I guess I need to Start the New Year…”

  1. I can never figure out why hackers take our FB profile and make a copy. What do they gain from THAT? Whatever, you had a tough start, but happiness to come with your son home for a short time. That will feel so good to give him a hug and to surround him with your light, and your blessing to come back home safely after this next assignment in Afghanistan. I send out my thanks and respect for his service.

    1. Thank you, dear. I will need prayers and moral support to get through the nine months he’s in Afghanistan. But it will be nice to have him home and under our roof even for a short time.

  2. Wow, your plate is full and it’s only the 1st week of January. Damn technology and evil hackers! I hope you didn’t have to pay for those charges! Enjoy your time with your son and wishing you better things from now forward. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for the good wishes! My son is home and occupying the family room couch…we left the Christmas tree up as per his wishes. Now we need to take it down and outside but are surrounded by ice and snow! Typical January. Hope yours is better!

      1. Glad your son is home Noelle, taking in a bit of Christmas. But sadly, I have to report it’s damned cold here and blizzarding again today. πŸ™‚

          1. Love your optimism. Thankfully I don’t have to wait out spring. Heading to Florida in a few weeks then off to Arizona! πŸ™‚ Counting the days.

  3. As you may have noticed, my Monday post was a lament of “I’m so tired”. It seems very common – and partly the downer after all the holiday season kerfuffle.
    I hope you’re feeling better now – especially with son cluttering up you home again πŸ™‚
    Does he bring his washing home or does he have to leave it at work? πŸ˜€

    1. Hi Jemima! He’s off for a month, has taken over a downstairs room which looks now like a hurricane hit it. He refused to use our guest room, which used to be his, and sleeps on the couch! So far he has resisted my washing anything and there’s no smell, so maybe later?

      1. Thanks Noelle, I’m busy preparing for two opera scenes and an off stage song as a fairy in Midsummernights dream, I’m also auditioning for summer programs but I’m not having much luck, too young mainly, But I have a few more coming up and the audition practice is never wasted. I’ve just finished writing my blog post about nearly missing an audition on Monday due to a tube strike πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸŒˆ. I got excited today when my Mum sent me a delivery she’d ordered me a Ewbank in the sales! That’ll teach me for moaning that the hoover is never available in student halls.

        1. I heard about the tube strike. It really wreaked havoc on a lot of schedules. I take it a Ewbank is a vacuum cleaner? I remember the days when I didn’t have one and did a lot of sweeping with little effect. I have great faith that you will find a summer program – your voice is spectacular. I would love to here you sing for Midsummernight’s Dream!

  4. Hi Noelle. This is an adorable post. I hope the new book is going well. It’s a great series. And you choose terrific covers.
    Since this weekend is “lunar” new year, I’m hoping for a “do over” of New Years — because mine has been a lemon and I want my money back! πŸ˜€ Mega hugs.

    1. So sorry it’s been a lemon – may the rest of the year be lemonade!
      PS My hubs does the photos for the covers. This last one I had an artist work on – will have to do the same for book 4.

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