Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Everyone

I’d like to invite all of my friends and followers to join me for Christmas cookies and coffee (or tea if you wish). This is a rewrite of last year’s post with some new photos!

I will meet you at our front door. Come on in and you can see our living room.

When you first come in, you are greeted by my carolers.From the entryway you can look into the living room, where we always put a big wreath on the fireplace with red poinsettias for color.

And here is our Christmas tree, which we have in our solarium. We like real trees and usually get something 10-12 feet to hold all of the Christmas ornaments we’ve collected over the years from all the places we’ve been. This year my daughter and her husband came over to help decorate with our 50+ year-old ornament collection. I needed my son-in-law to put on the Christmas lights since Hubs is down and out with his back surgery for three months or more.

So have a seat in our family room, and I will get you some coffee and cookies, Try anything you like. I spent the last three days making ginger butterscotch, sugar, and devil’s food crackle plus orange and cranberry shortbread and some pretty powerful bourbon balls.


Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season, no matter what or how you celebrate. I’m taking a few days off to enjoy mine with my family and get some rest from taking care of everything while Hubs is healing up, so I’ll see you in the New Year!

Merry Christmas!



59 thoughts on “Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Everyone”

  1. Thank you for this delightful Christmas visit! Much love and many blessings to you and those who mean the most to you. May we offer a loaf of my sister’s pumpkin bread and a plate of hopscotches (peanut butter, butterscotch, marshmallow and chow mein noodle candies) for you to enjoy when you wish! <3

    1. Thank you, Alison, and here’s hoping you holidays are wonderful. I’m halfway through the fourth book, so more work will eventually find its way to you!

  2. What lovely decorations! The wreath over the fireplace is stunning and I love your carolers. How lovely that you get to have an extended Christmas for when your son comes home in January. Safe travels to him and Merry Christmas to you all! I’ll take that whole plate of cookies please!

    1. Would love to send you the whole plate and the boxes of more in my garage, chilling! The wreath over the fireplace used to be a real one, but it was so hard on my husband to make – so one Christmas my daughter and I bought a fake one and decorated it. It’s survived nicely and we occasionally add something new to it. Merry Christmas to you and the family!

  3. I collect Byers Choice Carolers too – picking up one or two in years when funds permit since her crafting on the kitchen table days, before most people had ever heard of Joyce Byers. So your mantle brought a big grin to my face.

    The cookies, not so much, however. While I always have a mug of coffee by my side, I was frustrated that I couldn’t jump through the computer and snatch the entire plateful of those yummie looking treats! (The ginger butterscotch sound like they could easily become an addiction – two of my favorite flavors.)

    Those are the only photos that showed up for me, however, and I would love to see your son and your tree. Perhaps when he returns in January? I know that will be your BEST Christmas present. EVER.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    1. I had a ton of pictures up, Madelyn, but my daughter said that because of the info in the post and the info embedded in the pictures, she was afraid that we would attract unwanted attention to our house. So she deleted them, dang. If you send me your email (to I would be delighted to let you see them all. I think she and her husband are being overly cautious, but they are the digital experts. I can also send you the ginger butterscotch cookie recipe!
      Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Is your son coming home just as a break, or is his deployment officially over? If so, congratulations and happy returns (and thank you) to him… and if not, I’m glad you can see him for the holidays!

    I’ll take some tea and cookies, please! 😉

    1. Ariel, I wish his service was over, but alas, he will be off after a month’s leave for more training before being deployed to the Middle East again. Such is the life of a military family. Wishing I could send you some tea and cookies for real!

  5. Pingback: We ALL wish you a Merry Christmas! | ADD . . . and-so-much-more

    1. We call each Christmas tree our ‘memory’ tree. We have ornaments we have collected from all of our trips overseas and here in the US, plus ornaments from friends and family! A great way to recall our wanderings and we add one each year.! We had n ornaments for our first Christmas tree, so I decorated with with red and white checked bows…

  6. I hope you enjoy the holiday season, Noelle. I’m sure those who visit your house will. Everything look gorgeous and delicious. And Happy 2018!

    1. Thank you, Olga! Hope you have a wonderful New Year. This past year was a tough one, so I’m hoping for something better
      but aging is tough and never reverses itself, dang!

    1. Thank you! This year Christmas was a marathon – Hubs had a serious back operation in early December and I was running to get everything done and take care of him. Things are quieter now, but it’s also time to de-decorate, which I hate. Happy New Year!

      1. I hope your husband recovers very well. It must be tough for you with his operation and the holidays and all. I’m sure everything went well. Oh yes, the de-decorating the house. Yikes. I’m glad we only put up a Christmas tree this year. Happy New Year!

        1. The tree is the last thing – still there. Not sure whether or not to leave it up for my son, who gets back from Afghanistan in a week or so…

          1. Our tree too is still in the living room, maybe I will take it down this weekend. If I ever find the time haha. I’m sure your son will appreciate seeing your Christmas tree after spending all that time in Afghanistan.. You must be really happy he’s coming back =)

          2. We are indeed happy to have him back. The tree coming down will depend on my energy level to dedecorate it! BTW, Frances was my mother’s middle name. Nice!

          3. And in our household, we haven’t even talked about dedecorating our tree haha. Nobody seems to wanna move it yet. Really? Wow, I used to not like my name. There’s not a lot of Filipinos who name their kids Frances so I used to think it was weird. But now I think it’s ok 🙂

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