I’vew Got a Bad Case of the Mid-Winter Blahs

It’s been a long, tough haul so far this winter. With Hubs laid up following his back surgery and a long recovery facing both of us, I’ve had to shoulder the load (literally) both inside and out.

Image result for cartoon of wild woman in the kitchenThis past week, I’ve found time to work on my planned historical novel for the first time, but now must stop to inhale all the comments on the fourth Rhe Brewster mystery from my editors and begin the (hopefully) last serious rewrite. The cover is close to being finalized, but I need a new author picture – Hubs, aka Photo Op Pop – will do the honors. And I need to get the ISBN numbers…you all know the drill.

We did have some lovely snow about a week ago. More inches than we’ve had in several years, and it was so wonderful to be out in it, enjoying the total silence except for the falling flakes. It all melted completely in about five days, with much warmer temps, bright sun and then rain.

I found myself shoveling for the first day or so, though, and the shoulders and back are not what they used to be. Do any of you wish you had enjoyed your younger, thinner, more fit self at that time? I would love to go back for a day and experience it! Aging is something we seem to think will happen years later, and then suddenly it IS years later!

Finding things to take the edge off the drudge work had been difficult. Your blog posts have helped and Garfield has kept me laughing. He now has more toys than my kids did

Image result for pictures of Brother Cadfael mysteries

when they were young. We also have a set of DVDs of the Brother Cadfael Mysteries, thanks to a close friend. I enjoyed them many years ago and seeing them again has been a treat. Derek Jacobi is such a good actor. Of course, I’ve read each and every one of the Ellis Peters books on which they are based!

Image result for pictures of Brother Cadfael mysteries

I’m back cooking full time again, and of course there are a few pounds that have crept onto my middle. No idea where they came from…maybe at night under the sheets?

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Anyway, the good thing is that spring comes early here in the South, so I might be able to get back in the pool as early as the end of March. I did last year and the swimming improved my outlook. What do you do to raise your spirits?

Well, enough of the blahs. Counting down the days to March!



22 thoughts on “I’vew Got a Bad Case of the Mid-Winter Blahs”

  1. been wet and windy here in London rather than that cold; miserable badly-washed-duvet skies don’t help the mood. Walking with Dog does… and cooking. Yes that’s cathartic

    1. I’ve been trying to walk, but the weather alternates between warm and rainy and cold, cold cold with some sun. Having a dog does get you out – haven’t tried taking Garfield out on a harness yet! 😉

  2. Personally I don’t think your book photo needs to age with you. I mean, the picture we see is the one we know and love – and that’s the person we often see through the age-related bits.

    I discovered a new way to help me through the winter blues. I bought a bright yellow padded sleeveless jacket. I didn’t think of it at the time (I was thinking of visibility) but wearing it around the house on cold damp days lifts my spirits. Such an easy lift!

    1. Aha, I must be channeling you! I just bought a bright, saffron colored jacket! Hubs took a new picture – it’s sort of quirky but I don’t think I look older. Especially if I keep it small – you know, the kind you need to look at with a magnifying glass!

    1. Sounds like a good plan to me. Luckily – or not – our snow is gone. I am back slogging with house work but have found a little time to read. Also every once in a while I take a nap!

  3. I’m so tired of winter, but it probably won’t get decent in my neck of the woods until April, possibly May. Snow is gorgeous when it falls (we have some coming mid week) with the hush it provides, but it’s such a (literal) pain in the back to shovel. Ugh! The only plus is it does make for good writing time, LOL!

  4. Hey Noelle, I don’t know how you get everything done that you do. With your husband’s back surgery you’ve had quite a lot on you but you still manage to write—good for you. I hope his back is better and maybe the daffodils will bloom soon. That always lifts my spirits.

  5. “Mid-Winter blahs” — I love this expression! We are having a severe winter here too, and admittedly, my husband & I are also looking forward to Spring. However, I am glad you could still get some writing in – even though a lot has been happening. Sending you and your husband our very best wishes.


    1. Thank you, Takami. I start getting antsy at the end of January because spring comes early here, and despite the fact I was born and bred in New England, my ‘annual’ clock is now Southern!.

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