From time to time, as my followers know, I like to recognize new followers who have done me the honor of signing up for my posts. THANK YOU!
Delusional Bubble (great moniker!) at – a travel blog
Geoff Le Pard at – a highly imaginative writer and bon vivant. Do check out his blog. It’s occasionally hilarious and always fun!
Short-prose-fiction at Gabriela Marie Milton, poet, 2019 Author Of The Year at Spillwords Press
Rafaelle Schwartzbart who blogs at She Got Wings at – a young Brazilian woman who is sharing her beginning at flying – she’s a person trainer
Jane Wertman at She is a writer of grants and historical fiction and I’ve gotten to know her and have enjoyed – and reviewed – her books over the past year.
Sid Gateux at Johnny Holiday is the leading character in the Johnny Holiday Mysteries by Sid Gateaux. You can follow at this site.
James Conville, a marine engineer – couldn’t find him online
Prashant Jain from India, whose blog site is under reconstruction.
Michelle Rose who blogs as Shell-Shell’s tips and tricks at
Blackwings 666 at – a blog about Dracula!!!
S.C.Ö at I believe this is a blog about Turkish cooking
Rebecca Dwight Bruff at – who has just written a debut novel Trouble the Water that was awarded a First Place/ Gold prize for Debut Fiction, and First Place/Gold Prize for Adult Fiction by The Feathered Quill Book Awards, with a recommendation from the Chair of the Pat Conroy >Literary Center. Brava!
Omar Darwish at writes a social cultural blog that deals with literature, writing, education, social issues, and aspects of the human personality. It’s in Arabic but there is a translate button and I read a great post on ancient Greek and Roman civilizations
If you are interested in vitamins, this is the blog site for you:
Romelia Lungu at . She lives in Romania and reviews books and offers her reflections, luckily some in English because Romanian is not in my limited range of other languages!
Stephen Page at He is an award winning, part Shawnee and part Apache author and poet. His books include: The Salty River Bleeds, The Timbre of Sand, Still Dandelions, A Ranch Bordering the Salty River. I need to take a look at one of his books.
Krutika toy at has a really unique blog on business – recent developments in working sites, entrepreneurship etc.
Christine Lucas at blogs about travel and nature and fitness, accompanied by wonderful photographs.
You are kind to include me Noelle but my blog link has crept in twice so someone else isn’t getting their full recognition!
Thanks for noticing that. I dan fix it – I sswear old age is creeping .
I think it’s super that you recognize these new folks, Noelle. It’s always great to get some different perspectives.
Thanks, Pete. I figure if they are kind enough to follow me, I should at least give them a shout out.
Thank you for tagging me in this post and your kind words about my blog’s name!
It’s an honor to follow you!
You’re most welcome. Love your blog name!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate that🥰 It’s an honor to follow you.🌻🌺
You are most welcome!! Stop by any time!