Work in Progress


I was tagged for a WiP game by a sister blogger with a fantastic book, Luccia Gray. Check out her blog, Rereading Jayne Eyre ( and her book, All Hallows at Eyre Hall. She’s currently finishing the next book of her trilogy, Twelfth Night at Eyre Hall.

The rule: Post the first sentence of the first three chapters of your current WiP.

My current WiP is the next book in the Rhe Brewster mystery series, Death in a Dacron Sail. I’m currently doing the line edits, so what you read is what you will get with this book.

Chapter 1
The lobster boat rocked violently against the pier as I backed down the ladder and extended my foot onto its heaving deck.

Chapter 2
The midnight shift in the ER at Sturdevant was normally quiet, but it was a Friday night and a full moon, which meant a lot of loonies would be out.

Chapter 3
Bob Morgan proved as pesky as ever, and I had three messages, all from him, on my cell phone when I finished my shift at the hospital around 8 PM.

I hope you’ve read the first book in my series, Death in a Red Canvas Chair. Death in a Dacron Sail will be out late this fall. Look for it! I’m currently working on Death by Pumpkin. Think on that…

I’m nominating my four of my favorite authors to carry on this WiP hop: R.M Byrd (, Terry Tyler ( , Stepheny Houghtlin (, and Trisha Sugarek ( .

Do check them out!




10 thoughts on “Work in Progress”

  1. Thanks so much for the tag, Noelle! I shall do my offering soon, with a link back to yours xx

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