Welcome to my new followers

Time to recognize a group of people who have kindly chosen to follow my blog. Perhaps you will find some kindred souls among them!

victoryarch at – This is a blog with book reviews, recipes and baking (I was suckered in by the macaroons) and poetry, in other words sort of like my blog!

Lori Carlson – Promptly Written – at  Lori is multitalented, posting short stories, horror, poetry, flash fiction – all of it good and interesting. Her latest is Oh Goth! How I Miss You – intriguing.

Rock Emmanuel at  This is a blog about Christian marriage, with good advice for everyone. One recent topic was about whether couples should run a joint banking account – something I’ve discussed with my daughter.

Cally  – Some Special People – at  Cally’s aim is to help make more people aware of people with special needs so they can be motivated and successful. She recently posted on the power of a smile!

forsyria at  This blog posts videos of what is happening in Syria, especially with the children.

Greer at – For all of you movie lovers, this is the blog for you. The most recent post was about the movie Spotlight, and I hope you’ve all seen it. The story is true – about pedophelia in the Catholic Church in Boston – and the acting superb.

Pam Wight at Pam is one of my favorite people. She’s a prolific author and loves to post about the joy of writing. She also does reviews and recently posted on her early career: A Towering Tongue Twisting Career Turn. If that doesn’t draw you in, I don’t know what will! I unfortunately can’t read this but believe is it about hormones found in food and cosmetics

Genel at  Genel is a quirky blogger with a charitable streak . Check out her Crazy Babies video – and she has personally made donations of a thousand books, to encourage reading.

Rachael Richey at  Her blog site is The Chronicles of the Twelve Realms, a series of young adult (YA) fantasy fiction – . magical realism set in a medieval-type era. She recently published The Beauty Thief and she also hosts a blog battle – accepting stories from followers on which her followers vote each week.  Check her out!

at – She is a thoughtful, lyrical and wonderful writer!

Mark at – Mark is fighting Hodgkin’s lymphoma and writes and incredibly inspirational blog. You need to visit him and give him your support.

Fawad Hassan at  Check out his Post What Is LIfe? and his stories of life in Pakistan. Another great writer!

Blynng 15 at She is a cancer survivor and writes about loving to learn and sharing everything about how to live happy and healthy by meditating. You will need your Word Press password to access her site.

Suzanne at She writes about food, shares her recipes (see a recent on on pepper and pencetta toriglioni, which will make your drool. Also guest posts on food  – one recent one was by another favorite blogger of mine, Teagan Genevieve. The name of her post is from her pet pugs, who have passed over the rainbow bridge but live in her heart. This blog is all about jewelry with pictures to make you drool. One recent post was on Elizabeth Taylor’s collection.


Some or all of these wonderful bloggers might interest you – check them out!



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