The Bits and Pieces in My Life



Elijah Moon is doing his darndest to keep  me from finishing my last rewrite before the book goes to the editor!

What I do when the eyes burn and I can’t manage to look at one more sentence in the book!






24 thoughts on “The Bits and Pieces in My Life”

  1. Oh my gosh I just love little baby sweaters! I still have the ones my mom made for our kids and I will never let go of them. So sweet to see a baby all cozy in a homemade sweater!

    1. Thank you! Kitting is very relaxing. I done the hoodie sweater, a blanket, a pair of booties and some thumbless mittens (as per my daughter’s request). She’s not even pregnant (yet!)

    1. He would love to be in a post, David. I did one about him a long time ago and have another one planned with pictures of the big boy (17 lbs) doing his favorite things (mainly sleeping).

  2. What an excellent kitty muse! I’m sure she inspires you. And then the knitting! I’m jealous. I think I’d enjoy it, but just haven’t gotten the ‘hang’ of it yet. And all six of my little grandbabies are past baby stage. Sigh.

    1. Pam, you can start with a scarf – good for all ages! It’s so easy to knit nowadays with all the video instructions on You Tube. You’ll get hooked – it’s very relaxing and gratifying to see what you can create with different yarns and patterns. I learned to knit in college, where my classmates knit in class (an all women’s college!). I found it challenging but fairly easy – sort of like following the directions for a chem experiment! I also learned to take really good class notes!!

      1. Okay, you’re inspiring me to ‘get hooked.’ 🙂 However, chemistry was my worse subject in school. I went to an all-women’s college my Freshman year – Mary Washington College in Virginia. (Now co-ed) Where did you go?

        1. I went to Mount Holyoke. It’s still supposedly women only, but now admits a percentage of transgenders: men who have transitioned to women, are in the process of transitioning, or who are only thinking about it. I am still trying to get my head around what this means to the College, which was founded to accept only highly qualified women, and how this will be handled with the current facilities and explained to families of young women who are interested in applying.

          1. Whoa, that’s quite…interesting! I’m just learning more about this. I have a friend with three daughters, and one of them is in the process of ‘transitioning.’ What a lot to take in!

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