E = Nancy Ennis

Challenge: Send me a picture of what you think Nancy Ennis looks like!

13194341_9781630030339_coverNancy Ennis is one of those background characters created to be the minor supporting cast, playing small but critical roles. As such, she appears in all three Rhe Brewster Mystery books. She is a full-time nurse in the emergency room and frequently works with Rhe, who is part- time. Nancy often serves as the charge nurse — in charge of, or responsible for, the work of the emergency room during a single shift.

She and Rhe are good friends and commiserate regularly about hospital CEO Manning’s pressure on Rhe and his attempts to trim the emergency room budget.

Nancy is young, energetic and is identifiable by her bouncy red curls. She is also ambitious and in High Resolution Front Cover.4957203Death in a Red Canvas Chair is hoping to be accepted to the transplantation surgical team. She is also dating Marsh Adam’s assistant and forensic technologist, Oliver. In Death in a Dacron Sail, she jumps in to help Rhe when Rhe is physically attacked by a drunk in the emergency room.

You’ll just have to read Death by Pumpkin to see what she does in her next appearance.

Cover reveal for Death by Pumpkin in April!



19 thoughts on “E = Nancy Ennis”

      1. She’s been too busy with that undeserving husband. She could have a good moan with my Jane! I hope Rhe finally gets the man she deserves and he’s right under her nose! Isn’t he? I can’t wait to find out😍

  1. Always a delight to hear more about a character. And may I say that Death By Pumpkin is probably the best title for a book I have ever heard! 😀

    1. Thanks, Lucy. There will be another cover poll in a week, then the reveal in early May. Release mid May or so, I hope. Would love to have you review it in advance, if your time permits!

          1. No, not at all – I have been asked before and politely refused but I would actually really like to review your book, I am very chuffed you asked 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I love getting comments. Do check out Porter Girl – Lucy was the assistant to the Head Porter of Old College in Cambridge – the first woman to do so and a heck of a writer.

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