I want to tell you about a blog called Club 51, run by Chris White. It’s a blog for and about people who were born in 1951. I am an honorary member, since I wasn’t born in 1951. ‘Nuff said about that!
See: https://1951club.wordpress.com
Recently Chris had a post on the 1951 DeSoto (a old car for those of you too young to know what a DeSoto is!). When I read it, I thought of the little green Nash Rambler station wagon my family had, the first car I can actually remember. I suggested since Nash Ramblers were popular in the 50s, he might want to do a post on them, And he did. Here it is:
A post in whch I unexpectedly ramble on …
A quote from that post: “The Nash Rambler is a North American automobile that was produced by the Nash Motors division of Nash-Kelvinator Corporation from 1950 to 1954/55. It is widely acknowledged to be the first successful modern American compact car.”
After he posted on the Nash cars, I remembered a song by the Playmates about a Nash Rambler, and I’m giving you the link here because it’s pretty darn funny.
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My best friend in High School had a car that looked a lot like that salmon-colored one in the photo – she called it “The Pink Piglet” – and I have many fond memories of adventures in that car. btw – that friend ended up the Principal of said High School when she grew up.
(Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
– ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
“It takes a village to educate a world!”
Our station wagon was puke green and had no pick up power!
I’m not sure we would have noticed “no pick up power” – we just used it as a freedom rider (and to collect props for the drama club)
xx, mgh
1951. Before my time. I was just a twinkle
Lots of enjoyable things on that blog, though, even if you are too young to relate!!!
What a nice post. This Chris White sounds like an amazing fellow to me. The 1951 Club is open to the entire population of the observable universe. Thank you so much Noelle.
Yeah, he does seem like quite a likeable fellow.
Reblogged this on 1951 Club.
I miss the old style of cars. They were so stylish.
I don’t remember much of the car’s details – it was boxy and had no pickup, and we laughed about it a lot!
So lucky to have an Ancient car preserved by your ansectors.
Cattie, this one was not particularly attractive but it got you where you needed to go – and it did go beep, beep!
I love the pics of Ancient Cars. They had such a Style and Class.
Cattie, this one didn’t have a lot of style but it got you where you needed to go. And it did go beep, beep!
ha ha ha ha ha