New Followers Friday

I think I am catching up – but still a few weeks behind! Here are some blogs for you to peruse: The title sort of says it all. This blogger confesses she’s been divorced for ten years. She’s happy to check her own oil, refill her own washer fluid, and pump her own gas. She’s learned  to use a drill, take apart a bed, put together a bed, and carry about fifty pounds of groceries up three flights of stairs. There have to be a lot of empathetic souls out there.

marmar daguob at P2P Advertising aims to help you build your brand on a personal level and advertise it person to person. Sounds like this could be an excellent site to get your book out there.

The Cracked Spine at is a simple blog for Die and Moz, two Irish readers starting out in the world of Literature Blogging and Podcasting. If you are a writer with a new novel you want reviewed, you can contact them to open a discussion. They accept submissions from all genres. They just reviewed Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (which I’ve read and loved).

Lewis (Starborn41) at is an artist who grew up in the Midwest and was drawn from an early age to art. Now 75 years old, he has been practicing for a long time, and art is still his greatest love. He enjoys wood burning (something I actually tried as a kid!), in large part due to the meticulous process for which it calls. This is a lovely blog – go visit!

Akhila at writes a gentle and eclectic blog of ideas, thoughts, and notions.  I’ve enjoyed her posts and she has a LOT of followers!

Tina Roth Eisenberg at was chugging along in her career as a designer when to become the kind of woman she had hoped her children would know, she delved into a career as a serial entrepreneur. Whether it’s through having a confetti drawer, keeping sane hours, or building environments that cultivate enthusiasm, Eisenberg urges us all to judge our success with the happiness and personal growth of those around us. She posts on lifestyle, motivation, awareness and short news stories.

Chiemezi Budus at is the blog of a young, motivated and activated entrepreneur whose passion is to make the people around him successful. His aim is to  create a simple and fast way for marketers to publish and advertise their goods.

Digital attitude at is 26 years old and fed up with the daily grind of punching my time card 6 days a week. And is a full time mother. Her greatest achievement in life is becoming a mother she wants to put her children in the best position possible for their future. She is determined to show her readers that what she is doing works, and it will change your life. Recent posts are on vulnerability, dreaming and facing your fears.

Akash Bibdal at is a young man with an upbeat blog on inspiration and self-improvement. He hopes readers will implement the practical techniques emphasized in the blog through posts.  His goal is to change life of people for the better. Recent posts include The Art of Making Money and The Power of a Smile.

Clara Lee at  The Toledo Bend Literary Journal publishes the following genres: Fiction Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Suspense/Romance and Poetry. Nonfiction: All types of Informational Literature on any subject matter, Biography, Autobiography, and Book Reviews. Photography: Poetry on any subject You might want to check them out – they have a contest coming up.

Wendy at writes a really interesting blog about vintage clothing. She actually developed a (small) hoarding issue and accumulated way too much. had to sell/donate almost all it because she and my husband quit our jobs and got rid of pretty much everything we owned to go on a long term travel adventure.  Follow her as she travels around the world and finds vintage clothing in every port of call!

Lbath1950 at is a really funny blogger, whom I visit (or try to) regularly. The stories you read on her blog all have a kernel of truth, mixed in with a healthy serving of imagination, embroidery, and if necessary to make a point, outright confabulation. Her mother illustrates her blog.  The name of her blog? She comes from a rollicking family of nuts. A recent post: How Do You Keep Your Panties Up? DO check her out.



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