A hot hello to all my followers

Here in North Carolina, we are amidst a brutal heat wave. From the weather maps, everyone in the US (except maybe Alaska) and Europe is, too. So stay cool and hydrated.

I’d like to recognize those people who have chosen to follow my blog in recent months. I have over 1500 brave followers and I am grateful for each and every one of you. I hope you will stop by when I drop a post.

Here is the beginning of a list of the new followers, just to give you a shout-out. There will be another list coming soon.

David Grislis at –   ice hockey, adoption and foster parenting

Cale Cook at – for foodies

Foxpass at – best, latest and highly configurable data security systems

najiabenhamza at – more food, but French

desireblog at –  a food journal with fitness wrapped in

The Paltry Sum at – writing past and present, music and reviews, San Francisco, eclectic and interesting

Toshiyu at – music, music, music

Dr. Richard Selden at – an integral figure in the development of Rapid DNA technology and the validation testing of the ANDE (Accelerated Nuclear DNA Equipment) Rapid DNA Analysis System for law enforcement applications.

Global Classifieds at – where you can buy a domain and a domain name.

Gayle –  no link!

Mehmood Amad at  – all about healthy eating

kanwarsandhu18 – no link

Nicholas Darjk – no link

Richard M. Neely – no link

Timothy Bullard at –  mental health, social media addiction, etc

A-Ile Self-hallucination at  women’s fashion

Catarina Rotondi at – poetry and reflections in Italian

Marie at  – travel in Europe, North Africa, and other places

James MacFarlane at – music, art and musings

Roger S. Johnson – no link.

Old House Projects at – a guide to the love, preservation and repair of old houses

Todd Berner, MD, at – a health care profession who discusses mental health and other health issues

Patel Kalaben – link marked as suspicious, but looks like he blogs about gaming equipment

Sam Tulgen at – beautiful photography of Texas

Grace Ngendo at – short stories populated by werewolves , vampires and witches .

Lt. Gen. Robert R. Allardice (robertr124) robertr124), Vice Commander, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. At – military issues and honors

Sherrey Meyer at -poetry, writing advice, fiction

blackwings666 at – movie and actor reviews and news

Cherie White – Chateau Cherie at – exposing bullies and liberating targets to make the world a safer place for all

Flo 76 at – an organization with products from amazon, from Romania and Germany, Italy, Canada

Wendy W @ – a book blogger, reviews and commentary

Wazifa at – solutions to problems with love, marriage, husbands etc.

Ezzatalizdah – no link

LJ Smith at – photography and moments in life that bring her joy



24 thoughts on “A hot hello to all my followers”

    1. I remember visiting friends all over Europe one hot August – half the hotels we stayed had A/C and the others didn’t. Sleeping was tough.

  1. Thanks for the shout-out. I hope you’re able to stay cool. We’re in Washington State with temps at 103 today.

    1. Yikes! We’re in the upper 90s, so not much cooler and with the humidity and heat index gets to 110 or so. No one is outside. Thank heavens for A/C.

  2. You’re always so kind to acknowledge new followers, Noelle. I love that. Coastal Oregon has missed the heatwave, I’m happy to say. In fact, we’re having a cool summer compared to normal (I lit a fire in the woodstove on Tuesday to warm it up a little). My heart goes out to all those people everywhere who are suffering under intense heat. Stay cool.

    1. A cool day and a wood fire sound so lovely right about now. I am NOT a hot weather person, although I do love swimming! But now the pool is like a warm bath which is what I prefer swimming in March, April, May and September and October!

    1. Would love to go to the beach, but it is so hot there are well. Temps over 100 with the heat index. September and May are great months for the beach here! The pool I use is small but I can do aerobics in it – it’s really warm, though, like bathwater!

  3. Here, in the Forest of Dean in southwest England, we reached 95F at the height. Whilst such temperatures are great for a holiday in the Mediterranean, Noelle, they are difficult here because of our lack of suitable housing to deal with such heat. Now retired, I feel extremes of both heat and cold, so modifications to lifestyle are necessary.
    On a different note, I’d like to thank you for listing the links to your followers. I’m currently rather busy, but I’ll be returning here later to investigate those followers to discover whether we have anything in common. Great idea of yours to do this!

      1. No air conditioning here, of course. And our homes are rarely adequately insulated. As for swimming, some people do that in the river a mile down the village road. I don’t fancy that, as it’s known to be polluted with farmyard runoff and, occasionally, raw sewage!

    1. What a lovely comment! Thanks, Teagan. I hate to say it but I am looking forward to autumn, as are a lot of people steaming in the US this week, I bet!

  4. Hi Noelle – great to find some new blogs to follow. Thanks for sharing all these links. Hope you’re staying cool and that the weather improves. Still very hot here too!

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