Thanks To All my Followers and Visitors During the A-Z Challenge: Character Pictures

Whew! Congratulations to everyone who participated in the A-Z challenge, and THANK YOU to everyone who visited my blog during this time. Your comments were fun, funny and perceptive. I hope I’ve piqued the interest of some of you to read my books (there’s always an ulterior motive, right?)

To create some more fun, I’ve compiled pictures of suggestions from all of you (plus some of my own) with regard to who the characters look like. This will stretch over two posts and I will do it alphabetically, beginning with Marsh Adams.

No takers here, so this is my suggestion for Marsh: Kevin James.

Kevin James

B was Bob Morgan, and I had received a picture from Elizabeth Hein and suggestions of Robert Wagner from Elizabeth Calwell, a young John Candy from Jemima Pett, David Duchovny from Liz Brownlee, and a young Ryan O’Neil (mine).ManDavid DuchovnyRyan O'Neil

John Candy

Robert Wagner

E was Nancy Ennis, Rhe’s red-headed fellow nurse and Geoff Le Pard suggested Merida from the Disney movie Brave.  Brilliant!


F was Frank Boyette. Again, no takers, but since he owns the pizza place, Ernie’s, I see him as rotund, How about Dom Deluise?

Dom Delouis

H was Sylvia Hutty, the fashionista director of Human Services at Sturdevant, and again no takers. But I remember Shirley McClain when she was young, and I could see her in this role. I also recalled Claudette Colbert, a featured actress in some of my favorite old movies (It Happened One Night) and a woman with great sophistication.

Shirley McClain

Claudette Colbert

I was Kelly Ingram, the football player, and I had a ton of suggestions for him: a young Ryan O’Neil (Jemima Pett and Keith Channing), Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum (Geoff Le Pard) or a young Zach Effron (my suggestion – how could you not like him?).Ryan GoslingTatum ChanningZach EffronRyan O'Neil

For Jack, two suggestions: McCauley Culkin (Luccia Gray) or Jay North (mine – does anyone remember Dennis the Menace?).

Jay NorthMcCauley Culkin

I used James Barnes for K. He was the kidnapper/killer in Death in a Dacron Sail. I offered up my own picture and had no takers.


L was Lyle Pendergrass, the ancient guard at the rear of Sturdevant Hospital in both books. Geoff Le Pard suggested David Jason while I thought of James Cromwell.James CromwellDavid Jason

M was James Manning, the slimy CEO of Sturdevant Hospital. Geoff jumped in again with the    suggestion of Richard Chamberlain, while keeping with the red hair trait, I thought of Eric Stoltz.Richard Chamberlain

Eric Stoltz

N was Mary Noon, the Irish farm woman, and I have three suggestions: Judi Dench (Jemima Pett), Mrs. Doubtfire (Robin Williams, suggested by Geoff), and Fianula Flanagan (my idea and she’s Irish!).

Mrs DoubtfireJudi Dench

Fionula Flanagan

O was Tom O’Neil. Here we have the real Tom O’Neil – Nat Wilson, or someone I’d been thinking of as I created the character: Sam Elliot.Sam Elliot

Nat Wilson

P was Paulette, Rhe’s best friend. Charlotte Hoathar suggested Reese Witherspoon, and I had her on my list, too. Geoff suggested Olivia Coleman and I thought Porter Girl (Lucy Brazier) could also be Rhe! Reese WitherspoonOlivia ColemanPorter Girl

The rest of the alphabet next time!

What do you think of these choices?

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