The Last Pilgrim Sets Sail

The day has arrived!

Launch day for The Last Pilgrim!

I’ve just been notified that it IS finally up as an e-book on Kindle!


The Last Pilgrim: The Life of Mary Allerton Cushman captures and celebrates the grit and struggle of the Pilgrim women, who stepped off the Mayflower in the winter of 1620 to an unknown world – one filled with hardship, danger and death.  The Plymouth Colony would not have survived without them.

Mary Allerton Cushman was the last surviving passenger of the Mayflower, dying at age 88 in 1699. Her unusually long life and her relationships with important men – her father, Isaac Allerton and her husband, Thomas Cushman – gave her a front row seat to the history of the Plymouth Colony from its beginnings as the first permanent settlement in New England to when it became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691.

Mary’s life is set against the real background of that time. The Last Pilgrim begins from her father’s point of view – she was, after all, only four when she descended into the cramped and dank living space below deck on the Mayflower – but gradually assumes Mary’s voice, as the colony achieves a foothold in the New England’s rocky soil. Hers is a story of survival – the daily, back-breaking work to ensure food on the table, the unsettled interactions with local native tribes, the dangers of wild animals, and the endless challenges of injury, disease and death.

What was a woman’s life like in the Plymouth Colony? The Last Pilgrim will tell you.


This book was a labor of love for several years, and I am in awe of what the Separists – now called the Pilgrims – endured to follow their conscience and their dream. That strength and belief in God is the bedrock of this country. And they were among our first immigrants.

Mary lived to the end of the 17th century and much went on during those years. My learning curve was steep and there was much to tell.

I hope you enjoy Mary’s and my journey.




39 thoughts on “The Last Pilgrim Sets Sail”

  1. Noelle, this sounds utterly amazing. I can’t even begin to imagine the work and research that went into this.

    I just grabbed my copy from Amazon. I have a few more ahead of The Last Pilgrim in my TBR queue, but I can’t want to read it! Congratulations and happy release day!

  2. Many congratulations, Mary! I’m sure it’s a gripping and fascinating read about a period I’d love to learn more about. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Olga. Since it covers – because of Mary’s long life – the entire length of the Plymouth Colony’s existence, it is a story of Plymouth as well.

  3. Many congratulations, Noelle! A subject that interests me – I shall download!

    (btw, if you had put a unversal link or the UK link on the blog post I could do so right now!! Always worth putting links to UK, Canada, Australia, etc :))

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