Wait, wait, it’s coming….

Anxiety is building. My new book, The Last Pilgrim, is scheduled for release on June 1. The final version of the PDF has been uploaded and we are just waiting on the person creating the book jacket to do his thing.

The artist who painted the cover for me had it framed, and it’s now on my wall!

Here are some of the line drawings, done by moi, for the book. Do you know what they are (except for the house)? Give me some guesses if you don’t know…

When the time comes, I’d love some help disseminating the news, if you are so inclined!

Nervously yours,

The author



34 thoughts on “Wait, wait, it’s coming….”

  1. I would say that picture 1 is a spinning wheel, picture 2 no idea, picture 3 a loom and picture 5 a bee hive. Good luck with your launch, Noelle. I definitely want to read this book.

    1. The spinning wheel is a FLAX spinning wheel – not for wool! Picture 2 is a dental pelican – used for pulling teeth, picture three is a yarn weasel for measuring out a skein of yarn (I’ll have a story about that soon), and yes, the last one is a skep, or woven structure for a bee hive. Good going!

  2. Congratulations! Happy to run a book launch guest post to help raise awareness – my blog had 11,136 visitors in the last month 🙂

  3. I love the cover with the Mayflower in the background. I know about making yarn and spinning it but I’m not sure about those other things. I guess i will have to read the book to find out.
    Congratulations on the new book and remind everyone you need reviews on Amazon.

  4. Wonderful, Noelle! <3 The framed painting cover painting is gorgeous! I think the first three line drawings are related to domestic tasks of spinning, weaving etc. The last reminds me of a beehive or oven???? 🙂 Count me in on the launch tour for The Last Pilgrim! xo

    1. What you have there is a flax spinning wheel, a dental pelican for pulling teeth, a yarn weasel for measuring out a skein of yarn, and the lower left is a skep or woven home for a bee hive. Thanks for offering a promo. I will prepare some stuff to send you.

  5. Oooh, such exciting news, Noelle! I am move than happy to help you spread the word by doing a promo post on my blog. Reach out to me at maeclair (at) maeclair (dot) com when you’re ready and let’s set something up. I’m really looking forward to reading this one.

    You’re very talented with those line drawings! The first is a spinning wheel, and I believe the last is a beehive, but otherwise I’m clueless!

    1. Thanks, MC. The first is a flax spinning wheel, not a wool spinning wheel – then there is a dental pelican for pulling teeth, then a wool weasel for measuring a skein of yarn, and yes, the last is a bee skep made of woven oat grass. Thanks for much for offering a promo! Will take you up around June 1. Blessings and hugs.

  6. the one at the bottom looks like a bee hive cozy. I guess the bees “buzz” you when they feel cold and you simply place the cozy over the hive?
    Great drawings Noelle and I know your book will do great!

  7. Pingback: Wait, wait, it’s coming…. N. A. Granger | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  8. I knew the spinning wheel, but I have always heard the other referred to as a clock reel, as opposed to the tabletop ones, which we call a swift. Happy to learn something new. Your artwork is amazing, and I can’t wait to see the cover. Count me in as part of your launch team, Noelle.

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